Chapter 13 .

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The AMAs finished and we were on our way to the after party. I am so proud of Shawn. Okay he won an award. He won against Ed Sheeran which for me he is the most amazing talented and undefeated artist out there so I'm extremely proud of that.

Once we got there everyone was there. People were talking to each other, dancing, drinking, laughing etc. I've been by Shawn's time the whole time because I don't know anyone here but him. Everyone else decided to go somewhere else and I don't even know where. But it's okay I guess as long as I'm with Shawn I'm fine. I met a lot of people today and I was kind of surprised most of them already knew who I was before we actually even met. I guess I'm popular now! Just kidding guys.

"Hi Shawn!" I heard someone say. I look up and it was the one and only Ed Sheeran! 

"Oh my God! Hey Ed!" Shawn and him then gave a brotherly hug. "Hey this is my girlfriend Cezanne. She's a little bit tired since she did meet a lot of people today."

"Aw look how beautiful she is. Hi Cezanne I'm Ed. Ed Sheeran." He said we then shook each other's hand.

"Hi Ed. It is very nice to meet you. I'm in love with you're music. Sorry Shawn." I said. I then looked at Shawn and he playfully pouted.

"Haha thanks. But your man here is going to be very big and very successful in the future. More successful than me." 

"I don't think that's possible for me to be better than you." Shawn said with a smile on his face.

"Well you come and say that to me in a couple of years. Congratulations on the award Shawn. You honestly deserved it man."

"Thank you so much Ed. But I feel kind of bad beating you."

"Honestly I really don't care. Like I said you deserved it. Anyways we'll catch up later, I'm going to continue greeting everyone. It was very nice meeting you Cezanne." He then grabbed my hand, kissed it, then left. I then looked at shawn who then quickly pulled me into his arms.

"Only I am allowed to call you beautiful and kiss your hand." A jealous Shawn said while kissing the top of my head. Damn, even with heals on he's still taller than me.

"Of course you are." I then kissed his cheek.

"Aww look at you two. May I please get a picture of you guys together?" A photographer asked us. We agree so we posed for a picture. A normal one then another one where I held his cheeks together making him do a fish lips then kissing him on his cheekbones. "Thanks and you guy's are so cute together." We thank her than she left. 

I started to think about how Shawn said that he loved me. Like was that just for the media or did he actually meant it? I mean we've only been with each other for a few days, a few days that felt like years. And we were forced to date, but it feels like it was meant to be. I'm honestly so confused about my feelings right now. And I honestly don't know about Joel anymore. He said some really rude stuff about Shawn that I really don't appreciate that. I honestly never thought that Joel was like that. But I don't know. When we did hanged out that one day, it felt like me and him, like, ugh I don't know!

I'm going to ask Shawn if he actually meant it, or should i not? Because if he dis I'm going to just be all over him and forget Joel. But if he didn't I'll be very heartbroken and I will have to live with that until our contract is over, maybe a little more after that. What should I do?

I then got a text message. I pulled it from my little purse that literally just carried my phone and my I.D. I open it and it was from Joel. And don't worry my home screen is a picture of Shawn and when we had a picnic. 

Joel: hey Cezanne are you busy?

Me: At the moment yes.

Joel: oh I just wanted to say I am very sorry about what happened. Tell Shawn I said congratulations and you looked very beautiful tonight. Have fun on whatever you are doing right now. 

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