chapter 2.

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an: guys so there's going to be sensitive stuff in the chapter mainly during Joel's POV like cutting and stuff if you like please skip this chapter or skip that part I'll give you a warning before you start reading.

I drove back to the studio where I work with to meet up with my manager. As I started walking I felt a bruise on my hip and some scratches on my arm.

"Cezanne! Where were you? And oh my goodness what happened to you?" She yelled as she came up to me. I continued walking back to the parking lot towards her car. "Answer me this instant!" She yelled. I ignored her. I grabbed my bag and looked for my ear buds and my phone to listen to music.

Once I found them I put on my music and put it on high volume so I don't listen to a word she says. I pulled the lever back so I can lay down and to sleep for a while.

I was slowly waking up and my music was still on. "Quiero volver, volverte a ver
Quiero volverte a besar y abrazarte
Para nunca más soltarte
Quiero volver, volverte a ver
Quiero volverte a besar y abrazarte
Para nunca más soltarte." The song then ended. That song reminded me to call Joel who send his own security guard to save me.

I grabbed my wallet and try looking for the card I had saved. But before I can look for it, my manager tapped my shoulder. I took of my earbuds so I can listen to her,"Time to go." She said. I didn't realized that we were here already, without saying anything I got out of the car and she lead the way.


"May this meeting began. Now first congratulations on the nominations for Teen Choice Awards! That's pretty exciting. Second, the show is doing amazing honestly! I heard a rumor that 'Problem Z' might be nominate for an Emmy!" That lady said.

"Oh my god! I also heard about that! Hopefully it's true because that will be Ah-mazing!" The director said.

"Can we start discussing what we're here for?" I said with my bitchy attitude.

The lady who is in charged cleared her troat and nodded her head. She started talking about why they're trying to make me more popular and other people who were here started throwing ideas. Some were dumb like someone said I should do a video eating a living worm which will go viral and others were inappropriate like someone said I should release a sex tape. Obviously I said no to both.

"Excuse me if this meeting is about her then why the hell am I doing here?" The guy in front of me said who I did not notice. I know him. I went to a few of his concerts only because Rose invited me. And I'm glad she did because I love his music.

"Because here is where my good idea comes. My friend Shawn here and my lovely actress here Cezanne should date each other-"

"I'm not your friend." I heard Shawn murmur.

"I mean think about it. Shawn has millions and millions of fans and I have the most popular show at the moment with millions of viewers. In order to get Cezanne name out there in the media world they should date." The director said. Everyone was nodding their heads except for Shawn who continued looking down.

"I love the idea! Does everyone else agrees?" The lady said.

"Hold on how will this benefit Shawn? Can we put some of his music on your show?" The lady who was next to Shawn said.

"Well of course! I was honestly thinking about that."

"Okay then well everyone follow me. Cezanne and Shawn please stay here we'll be back in a few." The lady said. Everyone got out of the room and they left us alone. It was an awkward silence so I decided to break it by talking to him.

"I like your music. Especially that song 'Imagination' that one is my favorite." I said. He looked up from his phone and smiled.

"Thanks. I've watch a couple of episodes of your show. You're a pretty good actress."

"Thank you. But I kind of wish that I had the leading role so I don't go through all this drama. But your like the most talented people out there! You don't need 'more fame'." I said.

"Right? But I got to do whatever they say." He sighed.

"It gets pretty annoying that everyone tells you want to do for your benefit. You always have to be perfect for everyone, you can't be yourself." I said.

"Its like your-"

"Trapped." We said together.

"You know what Shawn, we'll be pretty good friends. For the outside world will be dating but for us we'll be best friends." I said.

"For sure. And hey if we ever find somebody that we actually love let's back each other up if we get caught." He said.

"Its a promise." I stick out my pinky. He chuckled but the lock it between us.

"Alright its time to sign."

*Joel's POV*

It is almost time for the  concert and I still didn't get a text or a calk from Cezanne.

an: it begins here!

"Bro she's not going to call you." Erick said laughing. "I don't know why you're going to wait for her. I mean she's little miss popular and you're the ugly underdog."

"Go away erick." I stood up and started walking out of the room. I ended up going to the restroom. This place is the last place I should be right now but I have to let the pain escape. I grabbed the clean razor that I had hidden for a while now. With tears falling out of my eyes, I slowly did a horizontal cut on my wrist, and another and another. I bit my lip with every cut I did to keep me from making a noise. Later on there was a knock on the door.

an: it ends here !

"Joel hurry the fuck up its already time! You missed the warm ups!" Christopher said banging on the door.

"I'm going!" I yelled. I grabbed some bandages to cover them up. Then I grabbed a few bracelets that fans have given me to give it more coverage. I put on my rings and my anchor necklace that my mom has given me then left the restroom.

I quickly grabbed all the things that I needed and put it on me. With a couple seconds remaining, I went to my spot and started to warm up my voice and body on my own. "Haha what a looser." I heard someone in my band say. I looked up and saw them laughing at me. I rolled my eyes and continued doing what I was doing.

"Soy yo.." Richard started to sing meaning the concert had started.

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