Chapter 20.

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The sound of my phone ringing woke me up. I rolled over to answer it not even checking the caller ID. "Hello?" I answered in my sleepy voice which I absolutely hate.

"Hey Joel its me Maddie. I was wondering if you want to hang out today? If you're not busy of course." Aw Maddie.

"Um I'm actually-"

"Joel wake up we're going to the hospital." Kevin said opening my bedroom door, how did he even get inside?

"May I ask why?"

"Christopher is in the hospital. Well he's been there since yesterday. But you need to -"

"No I'm not going to go just to apologize to him. Wait I'm not going to go if its for any other reason. He should be apologizing to himself for having that bad character." Woah. Since when did I speak what I want to say?

"I don't care you're going whether you like it or not." Kevin is cool and all but when he's angry and demand-y he's scary.

"Um how about later? Like around ... wait what I time is it?"

"8:25." She said.

"How about around noon? I'll pick you up at your apartment." I said.

"Sounds great. See you then." She said happily.

"Alright see you later then Maddie." I then hung up the phone and got ready for the day.

Once I got ready, kevin lead me to the back parking lot. I really wanted to say hi to Maddie since we live in the same place but she lives a couple floors down.

Even though I met Maddie only yesterday, I feel like I've been missing out my whole life. She made me feel better yesterday and possibly saved my life. Fuck. She's really cool too. She doesn't make things awkward. And she likes to have fun. And wow. Just wow.

"Were here. Look I know what he did was wrong but the way you let it out was worst." Kevin said. I rolled my eyes and got out of the car.

On our way over there I could feel myself getting tense. Like if I want to punch him again. Is that bad? I don't know. He deserves it.

When we got to his room, Kevin opened the door and I saw all the boys in there. "What is he doing here?" Erick said angerly. I backed up but Kevin pushed me inside.

"Erick calm down. Joel is here for a reason."

"I forced to come." I murmur under my breath. I looked up at Christopher. Damn he looks awful. Well I mean I do wear my rings all the time soo. I see he wasn't awake yet. Woah. His face looks awful. There's lots of bruises and bandages on his face. Oops.

"So like what happened to him? I get that I punch him and everything what I mean is the damage." I clarify.

"Nothing really just whatever you see." Kevin said. Seems like he's the only one talking to me.

"Hey Christopher. I'm sorry I did this and took it out the wrong way. Hope you get better soon." I acted like I cared so it sounds believable.

"Come on Joel I'll take uput back home now." I started to walk away. Since he was behind me I smiled that I got away with it. I sound pretty evil I'm sorry but I honestly don't care anymore. Don't care about him.

When I arrived, I went to Maddie's floor instead of mine. I knock on her door which was 2-12 and waited for her. I check the time and saw it was exactly noon. If you're wondering the hospital was pretty far from here.

"Hey Joel." She said with a beautiful smile on her face.

"Hello Maddie." She then locked the door and we started to walk around. "So. What do you want to do today?" I asked her.

"Hm. I don't know. Do you just want to walk around and see what we should do?"

"Sure." I said. We walked together, I always made sure I was walking by the street instead of her. I think every guy should do that to a girl so she is less in danger.

We ended up going to an outlets. "Hey we should go in there." She pointed. I looked over and it was a place full of video games.

"Haha alright. Seems like fun." We then enter the game room. We exchange our money into coins and combined our coins together. We played a lot of games and won a lot of tickets.

"Damn Maddie. Are you a gamer or what?" I said.

"I'm a gamer. I used to come here a lot with my father. Oh how I miss this place. OO got them." She said as we were playing a shooting game.

The rest of the afternoon we spent our time playing games. We did win a lot of tickets and I let her choose out what she wanted. She ended up getting two teddy bears and some candy.

"Here you go Joel." She said as she gave me the blue teddy bear and some candy.

"Its yours though." I said not grabbing her prizes.

"Well now I'm giving them to you, you also win these cause you helped out." She said. I then accepted her gift. We went to Johnny Rockets to eat a burger, fries, and milkshakes.

"Wow. This is good." She said after she took a bite of her burger.

"You've never been here before?" I asked in shock.

"Nope. I'm a basic white chick. I either go to Starbucks or chipotle." She said. I laughed at her comment.

"I need to take you to a taco place soon." I said.

"Please do. Haha." She said. She then took another bite of her burger.

After we ate we decided to go watch a movie. We decided to watch CoCo. I have to admit I did end up crying. Maddie cried also. So don't judge me for crying. When we got out her eyes were red. I pulled her in for a hug and she started to cry more.

"That movie was so beautiful." She cried.

"Right? Aww its okay Maddie." After a little while she stopped crying.

"Okay. I'm done. Omg." She said then wiped her tears away.

"Ew now my shoulder is all wet from your tears." I teased.

"Whatever Joel. You should be honor that you have my tears on your shoulder." She then flipped her hair at me.

I laughed at her little action. She's so cute. Im so happy I met her.

an: published January 21, 2018 @ 1:08am. the things I do for you guys smh haha hoped you enjoy

Freedom // Joel pimentel Where stories live. Discover now