Chapter 25.

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When I arrived to the studio and I headed straight to my dressing room because I didn't want anyone to see me like this. Over a guy who I was forced to be with and did ended up liking him. When I entered all of cast members were there ready with the chocolate ice cream, pizza, big bag of chips and other snacks. I see they have Netflix set up on my t.v.. "What's all of this?" I asked, "Aren't we supposed to film today?"

"We talked to the director and he said it's fine to take a day off today. We didn't tell you because we want to spend time with you here." Jasmine said.

"And afterwards we're going to go SHOPPING!" Kianna yelled.

"That sounds nice Kianna but I'm actually not in the mood to go out." I told her honestly.

"Thank God! I was not trying to go out and hold Kianna's bags." Lucas said which made us giggle.

"Alright let's watch 'Can't Buy Me Love'."

"Omg that's my favorite movie!" I said.

"We know." The girls said together. I smiled at them and lay down in between them.

I was so entertained and buy watching the movie that I forgot why I was sad in the first place. That was until Rosy accidently put the sound on on the Instagram video she was watching. I turned my head at her and so did everyone else. She turned red and apologize. "Rosy! No phones allowed when we're hanging out with each other!" Brianna said.

"I know I'm sorry!"

"And no Shawn Mendes until Cezanny is over him!" Marcus said.

"Sorry but it was a fan video of the show. I'll just watch it later." She said. She then locked her phone and put it down on the table that was next to her. Once the movie finished I continued eating my big bag of Takis as I watch Jasmine and Marcus fight on who gets to choose a movie next.

"Fine! We'll watch Boss Baby. Since its your name is the title of the movie." Marcus said.

"You're the boss baby." Jasmine then crossed her arms and laid back down next to me.

During the movie there was a knock on the door. Lucas got up to answer it. "What are you doing here?" He asked which caught my attention all of a sudden. I couldn't quite hear what the person on the other side of the, said but Lucas then turned around to look at me. "Cez its for you but if you're not willing to talk to him he understands." Is it Shawn?

"I'll talk to that person." I then got up and left my 2nd bag of chips there. "Don't eat my chips jasmine!" I said.

"No promises!" She lightly yelled. I then walked up to the door and saw Joel standing there. He then looked up from something he was holding in his hands and made eye contact with me.

"Hey." I softly said really not wanting to talk to him.

He smiled then replied, "Long time no see stranger." I don't know why but I really missed him. I missed his smile. I missed his eyes. I missed his scent. When I realized all of this, I attacked him with a huge hug while a few tears slipped out. "Don't cry Cezanne." He said while rubbing my back smoothly.

After a little while, I pulled away and he wiped the few tears that were left on my face. I looked up at him and smiled. "Sorry I just missed you so much and Shawn and I well we ended so I'm a whole crying mess right now." I said.

"Hey its okay to cry. I think it makes people strong after they let some tears come out. Hey is it okay if I rake you out to dinner right now? If you're not busy of course if not maybe tomorrow?" He asked.

"Um well right now I'm hanging out with my friends.."

"Go with him Cez!" I heard Jasmine yell. I looked inside to see her all happy.

"Um I guess I'll go with you." I said looking back up to him.

He then smiled wider and replied, "Perfect." I told him to hold on really quickly so I can grab my small backpack purse and my keys. We both headed out to my car.

When we got there they seated us at our table and looked at our menus. "So what's new? Other then the whole Shawn thing." Joel said.

"A lot new. You wouldn't believe what's happening right now."

"Like what?"

"I'll tell you later. But how about you? Do you have a girlfriend?" I asked remembering that there were pics of him and this girl kissing.

"I do not. Why?" He asked kind of awkwardly.

"Well cause I saw on twitter this morning some pictures with you and this girl at an amusement park, kissing." I said not making eye contact with him so instead I'm still looking what to order.

"Oh she's just a friend."

"Doesn't seem like it." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"We are friends Cezanne were not official or anything."

"Do you like her?" I asked him.

"No. I like you." With those words I put my menu down and looked at him straight in the eyes.


"It's true-"

"Hi can I start you guys off with drinks?" The waitress said. I looked away from him and smiled at her.


Dinner was kind of awkward to be honest. But we did talk not about the subject before. He is now driving me home where he is going to sleep over.

"I have to tell you something." Joel said breaking the silence.

"What?" I said continuing looking out the window while my head rested on my palm.

"When I got back over there I did try to commit suicide. I don't know I thought I had to let you know." After he said that I put my head up and slowly looked at him.

"Why? What happened? Why didn't you call me?" I asked softly.

"All the stress was getting to me. During an interview Christopher said really bad things about me, that's not new of course but afterwards he started to say shit about you which made me snap and I actually hit him multiple times that he ended up going to the hospital and from there I don't know I just wanted all of this to be over, so I ran to a nearby bridge climb over, but something stopped me." He said while driving.

"What stopped you?" I asked.

"Before I- remember that promise we made that I will come back to see you?" I nodded my head yes. "Well that is what stopped me. And that is where I also met that girl you saw me with. I guess you can say she also saved my life. "

"Oh." I simply said once he mentioned her. "Well I'm glad you're here. Away from that Motherfucker." I said talking about Christopher. He smiled and then parked the car now that we are here.

When we entered, Honey immediately ran up to Joel once she saw him. "Hey there Honey! Did you missed me? Aww cause I missed you. Look I bought you a treat!" I didn't even noticed Joel had a treat for Honey. She barked happily and he gave it to her. I smiled but then I went to the kitchen to- well I don't know what for since I'm not hungry.

"You're still hungry?" He asked.

"No. I uh- I don't know what I'm doing here. Um want do you want to do?"

"Whatever you'll like to." I grabbed his hand and pulled him to my bedroom. I just wanted him by my side always. I must admit I have a crush on him. I've been liking him since I've met him. But when Shawn and I were together I had to push him away and just focus on Shawn but now that we're not together it seems like he has someone else even though he denies it. I don't know. I rested my head on his chest and fell asleep while he played with my hair.

an: i honestly forgot what happened in the chapter, I wrote this like 3 weeks ago lol.

Published on February 21 2018 @ 9:15pm

Love you guysss

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