chapter 6.

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"Y-yes?" I stuttered as I looked up at her.

"Oh God are you okay? You seem hurt." She then grabbed a napkin that was right next to her and started wiping by sweat off. "You seem emotionally hurt." She then wiped some tears near my eyes. I didn't say anything because I was distracted on how beautiful she is.

"Me too. I'm just tired of my manager telling me what to do, but that's her job. I need a break from being famous." She then started to examine me more. Maybe just to double check that I am not hurt.

"What happen? I see those bandages under your bracelets." She said as she slowly reached for my wrist. Once she touched it I quickly pulled away.

"I-im fine." I said now pulling my sleeves down. She looked unsure but then let it go. She sighed and then she just sat there looking down at her lap.

"It looks like you're having a worse day than I am, but I see you don't want to talk about it so I'm going to talk about my day so far. Let's just say I'm tired of my manager always telling me what to do. I mean that's her job anyways buy like I need a break. A break from her and break from the show. A break from fame." She said.

"Do you regret it?" I asked. "Regret auditioning?"

"Yea sometimes I do. I thought things would have been better. Much better."

"Same." I sighed.

"Hey do you want to come over to my place tonight? Or now? Or wait aren't you supposed to be at an interview?" She asked.

"Yes." I quietly said.

"Okay Joel this is what we are going to do. We are going to go over there where you are supposed to be and when you are done we will go back to my place and chill for a bit." She said. I didn't say anything because I was still looking at her looking at every little detail on her face. I was looking at her lips which soon turned into a smile.

"I'm going to call an Uber okay?" She then got up and left me for a few seconds. (An: guys idk how uber works sorry lol) Just a little after she came back. She talked for a few the rest of the moment while we waited for the Uber. I was so distracted by the sound of her voice, the movement of her lips, how her eyes sparkle every time she blinks, that I didn't even realized we were in the car already. I then started to panic because I don't want to go back to them I'm scared.

"Cezanne please don't make me go back there." I said. The driver walked out to use the restroom like he said he was. Cezanne then sat right next to me and grabbed my arm.

"Why? What happened Joel?"

"They bully me. I know its shocking for me to say that but its true. They say so many shit to me to bring me down and its working honestly. I don't belong in that band." She looked at me very concerned and then pulled me into a hug.

"Joel. Mira I am going to be with you all the time. I promise I'll make sure they don't say anything to you. If they do I promise they'll regret it. I promise they won't hurt you as long as I'm there with you." She gave me a reassuring smile. I smiled lightly back before the Uber driver came back in.

Once we arrived I started to panic again. I guess Cezanne noticed because she grabbed my hand and told me everything will be okay. I swallowed my fear and get this over with. Before we got out of the car, I gave Cezanne my hoodie so she doesn't get recognized.


It was now time for us to perform like Cezanne suggested, I look at her during the performance. Once I started to get comfortable again, I look away and look at the beautiful fans in the audience. Just before we finish performing, she walked out like she planned to. Now that we finished, I went to the waiting room where we planned to meet.

Once I arrived she stood up and got closer to me. "Whoa, who is this?" Zabdiel asked.

"Damn she's hot." Christopher said getting closer to her.

"Leave her alone!" I said pushing him away from her.

"Joel!" He yelled and pulled me towards him.

"Hey! You guys leave him alone!" She said pushing me away from him. Damn for just a tiny little girl, she's quite strong.

"Joel when we get back I'll-"

"You'll what? You actually won't be seeing him for the rest of the day since he'll be my guest for this private party I'm going to."

"He can't go with you!" Christopher said now grabbing her arm.

"And besides, who would want him at a private party full of popular celebrities?" Erick said. And he's right who would want to take me if we were going to a party?

"Actually everyone talks about you guys and since I mainly talk to Joel they all like him so yea. Now we have to go, nice meeting you." She said what seem like sarcastically. She push him off of her then she came towards me I smiled down at her and we left.

"Oh and by the way, if Joel is ever upset about anything you will regret it." She said right before she left the door. (an: so like I'm rewriting this chapter and this version hella sucks! The conversation between Chris and Cezanne was so much better but since it got deleted and I have a bad memory, you guys got this I'm sorry 😭)

We took an uber back to her house. Once we arrived I was in awe. Her house is really huge for a tiny person like her. Once we got inside we got greeted by a tiny golden retriever. "Hey there buddy." I said as I started to play with her.

"Her name is Honey, cause she looks like honey. I know basic name for a Golden Retriever but I kept it like that cause my mom named her." She said now kneeling down towards her. "Are you hungry? Hope you don't mind left overs that i have from last night."

"Its fine, I'm not that hungry anyways." She looked at me then smiled.

"I know what we can munch on." She bit her lower lip while smiling and went towards her pantry to reveal a lot of junk food. She has all sorts of candy there, chips, popcorn, sodas, cookies, cupcakes. Wow all of this for that little tiny body.

"Grab whatever you like and let's go to my room to watch movies!" I follow her directions and we head upstairs.

an: published on 11.25 17 @ 12:58 am goodnight my lovelies

Freedom // Joel pimentel Where stories live. Discover now