Chapter 12 .

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Yesterday was an amazing day with Shawn. Fuck it was so amazing. I think I'm starring to like him more and more each time we hang out.

Right now we're at the studio because I'm working again. It's a day time scene so I shouldn't be working too late because we also have to go to the AMAs to announce the winner. I'm actually really happy because I'll be announcing the winner of the category that Shawn is nominated for. Hopefully he wins. I'm sure he will and he is also performing so this should be exciting.

"So are we going to my place to get ready or you're dressing room?"Shawn asked.

"I think my dressing room since we're like right here and plus my manager wants me to extra slay tonight since this is our first red carpet premiere."

"Okay. But you're always slaying either way. Even in sweat pants and a t-shirt you slay." He said.

"Haha shut up shawn. Come on let's get ready. Or at least me first since girls always take forever."

"Ahh you're right about that." I lightly pushed him as I giggled at his comment.

Once we got there my makeup and hair crew was already there just waiting for me. They quickly helped me put on my top first so it doesn't ruin my hair when I put it on. They then put a black sheet over me so the makeup doesn't fall on my top. If you're wondering I'm wearing a two-piece dress.

"Cez should I go live? I'm bored." Shawn said as he was just there laying on the couch.

"If you want but just make sure you don't capture anything of the show. We're not allowed to spoil it."

"So I can't show you?"

"Shawn." I said he then went on live.

"Hey guys I'm bored cause I'm here waiting for my girlfriend to become 'extra slaying' I don't know. I told her that she's always slaying even with a T-shirt and sweatpants on. I really do believe she is the most beautiful girl out there. Like wow. But hey don't worry I still love you guys. My amazing supportive fans. But just let me brag a little bit about my girl. Okay so like I said she is so beautiful. Inside and out. She is an amazing human being she works really hard she never gives up she's always up for an adventure. Like dude. Please marry me." He said.

"Okay." I said.

"Oh my God Cezanne I forgot that you were here. I don't know I got a little carried away when I was bragging about you. But guys! Once the time comes I now know she will say yes." He then got up and went up towards me. He kissed me and I kissed back. "Whoa the comments are going crazy." He said. I just lightly laughed.

Later on once everyone was ready we waited for our party bus to arrive. It was Marcus idea. Once it did we celebrated on our way over there. Honestly I have never seen the wild side of my friends. Oh God they were all twerking on each other. Marcus was going to twerk on me but Shawn stopped him by puting his arms out and pulling me behind him and shook his head no. Marcus put his hands up then went away.

I put my arms behind him and kissed him. "Ew come on Cezanne. No PDA!" Kianna complained.

"But twerking on each other isn't consider as PDA."  I said.

"It's dancing!" Lucas said while he danced. I rolled my eyes at him. After all that twerking we finally arrived. Paparazzi were already going pictures as we came down. Shawn went down first so he can help me. I was the last one in the bus. I grabbed his hand as he helped me. Damn I don't know if it was just me but everyone was screaming and the clicking and the flashes went crazy.

Once I was off and on the carpet. I grabbed Shawn's hand and got close to him. "I don't know why but I feel so shy and lost right now. I feel like I'm going to be sick. I'm still getting used to all this." I said honestly.

"Baby you'll be fine. I promise. And if you feel lost don't worry I'll be here. Let's go say hi to some fans and I am very sorry if they say mean stuff to you."

"Same goes to you."

We then went up to the fans to sign some autographs and take pictures. A lot of fans were very supportive of our relationship and which made me happy but there was some who were rude. Like really rude.

"You're such a slut cezanne you belong in hell where you can rot. You don't deserve shawn you little whore!" A girl yelled. My smile disappear. I didn't want to say anything back because I didn't wanted to start any drama. But like always Shawn was by my side.

"Actually she is not a slut or a whore. She is the girl of my dreams. She does deserve to be here by me  And you don't deserve to be here. I'm going to have security escort you out." Shawn then went to tell the security and they did exactly what Shawn asked to do. He then hugged me and kiss my forehead in front of everyone.

"Aww!" , "Cc!" , "Goals!" Were some of the things the fans said when they saw us. I shyly hid on his shoulder with a smile on my face. We then got to the place where they take our pictures. Our Managers told us that first I am going to be with the gang and Shawn by himself then we'll go around from behind then we'll get our pictures together.

Once we finished all of that. We went inside where the whole thing happens. I was in awe. I mean its not like the other ones I've been to.

Shawn and I sat next to each other with my gang. Then I can't believe Niall Horan came up to us. "Hey Shawn long time no see." Niall said. Shawn then got up and gave him a bro hug. (an: come on guys you know that it was coming. there always has to be 1D in my stories)

"Yea its been a little while. How you've been?"

"Great! Great. I feel amazing. Excited. How about you?"

"Not going to lie just a bit nervous because my girlfriend will be announcing the winner of the category I'm nominated for. Plus the performance."

"That's right! Miss Cezanne is you're girlfriend. Hi I'm Niall Horan." He said i got up and shook his hand.

"Bring One Direction back." I whispered. But he heard me.

"Soon. I promise." He said with a smile.

"I'm sorry. Hi it's very very nice to meet you Niall. I'm a huge fan of you and well the band."

"I'm glad to hear that. Thanks for being a supportive fan." I smiled.

"Ladies and Gentleman please take your seats as the show is soon to begin." The announcer said.

"Well that's my cue to go. Good luck Shawn. And very nice meeting you cezanne."

"You to Niall!" He then left. No fangirl Cezanne is heartbroken now.

"I didn't know you were a directioner."

"Niall James Horan just shook my hand. Imma cry can I cry?" He then pulled me into a hug.


We are now backstage getting ready to announce the winner. They then called us on stage and all of us went up. After they all read the people who were nominated it was my turn.

"And the American Music Award for Favorite Adult Contemporary Artist is .. My boyfriend Shawn Mendes!" I said really proudly.

He then came up on stage to get his award. Once he did he gave me a huge hug. We both agree not to kiss if he won until we walk backstage.

He then said his speech and I attacked him with a huge hug and a huge kiss. "Congratulations baby." I said.

"Thank you babe. Now I should get ready to perform. I'll see you later okay? I love you!" He said kissing me then he left.

He just said the L word. Hm I bit my lip and head back to my seat just thinking and processing all of this.

an: sorry my lovelies i got really ill and i was too tired to do anything this first week of winter break. but now im all better. All I have is a cough now

Merry Christmas & happy new year !! I love you guys so much let's make 2018 a great writing year for me so you guys will have more reading lol.

published 12/31/17 @ 8:06 pm

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