Chapter 34.

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"Well, this is awkward." He said.

"No kidding," I whispered. I then took a sip of my coffee.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen. I am Gio the director. Some of you might remember me from the audition. Anyways we are going to go around and introduce yourself, say what character you are playing, and what you like to do during your free time."

After a couple people went to speak it was Shawn's turn. "Hi my name is Shawn Mendes, I play Kevin, and I like to play my guitar during my free time." He said while looking at me. Which made me very insecure cause he's really attractive and then there's me.

"I'm Cezanne Lopez I play Jenni, and during my free time I like to-"

"Watch movies," Shawn whispered as I said it out loud. I looked down and try not to make eye contact with him.

"I'm Bella Thorne, I play Monica, and I like to fuck around during my free time." She said that made everyone chuckled. Everyone except me. I'm too worried about Shawn.

"Hi I'm Harry Styles and I play Johnathan. And I like to write songs as well during my free time." What the Harry Edward Fucking Styles is here?! Is Johnathan the popular guy that my character wants?!

After everyone introduces themselves, we started rehearsing. In the beginning, it was mainly me this lady who is playing my mom, this guy who is playing my father and Harry who is playing my older brother, darn.

I'm actually honored I am working with Harry. Fuck I still need to properly introduce myself to him but I look like a mess! Ugh, bad idea bad idea.

Once we finished I got up and headed towards Harry Styles but someone got in front of me. "Can we talk?" Shawn asked.

"Only if you're not mad at me," I said now walking in the other direction.

"How do you expect me not to get mad Cezanne? You basically left me like if I meant nothing to you? Is that what I am nothing? Tell me Cezanne!"

"Maybe you are nothing to me!" I blurted out but I obviously didn't mean it. Of course, he means something to me. But I just don't know what.

He looked at me angrily and stormed away.

I went back to my dressing room to try on the outfit. While I was changing someone came in my dressing room. I quickly covered up.

"Hey Cezanne. It's nice to meet you." Bella said while she sat down on the chair that was in front of my mirror.

"Um hi." I then quickly put on my shorts.

"You're the only girl here that I like. I think you're really amazing and pretty. I hope we become best friends, after all, we are staying here for like a year and a half."

I stayed quiet.

"You're really quiet. Can I tell you something?" She asked.


"I think Shawn Mendes is really cute. Do you think I have a chance with him?" I stayed quiet and looked down. "Oh God, I'm sorry! I forgot you guys are still dating."

"We're not. It was an arrange relationship anyways." I said.

"So you guys don't hate each other? I'm sorry for being noisy but I overheard your conversation."

"It's complicated," I said.


"Oo thank goodness you're dressed, we are going to film the first scene in an hour. Ladies work on her hair and makeup please." The director said.

Freedom // Joel pimentel Where stories live. Discover now