Chapter 24.

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I woke up in the morning feeling a bit empty. I turned to my left and Shawn wasn't there anymore. Instead it was I quickly got up and ran to my window. I see him putting his suitcase in the trunk of the car and closed it. When he closed it his rested his hands on the back of the car and looked down. I opened the window and then he looked up where I am. I was trying so hard to say something but words got trapped inside my mouth.

Tears started streaming down my eyes. I continued watching him. He shook his head with his eyes all red. Like if he was about to cry. He got in the car without saying goodbye. I then ran to my bed and let all the tears stream down my cheeks. After a little while I was staring off to space not thinking about anything.

My phone rang making me jump quickly hoping that it was Shawn. But instead it was Kianna. "Hey Sweetie. We need you at work. Is everything okay? Do you need a ride?" She asked.

"N-no. I'm fine." I said wiping my tears. "Uh I'll be there in a little bit." I said.

"Mm. I'm going to call Marcus so he can pick you up. Make sure you wait for him okay? Okay. See you soon. Love you girl." She said then hung up. I honestly didn't want to do anything so instead I took a small nap until he got here.

Nope can't go to sleep. I groan in frustration and went on my laptop. I logged in into my twitter and catch up myself with whatever is going on. As I'm scrolling down my timeline I see pictures of Joel and this redheaded girl. I should feel happy that he moved on but I'm not. I actually feel more heart broken then before. At this point all I want to do is destroy everything. I hate this. I hate love. I hate boys. I hate fake relationships. I hate hate. I hate attention. I hate rumors. I hate being famous!

I had my back to the wall and slide down just crying. Crying isn't a bad thing. If anything it is making me feel better. Marcus then came into my room and hugged me. In case you're wondering, all of my coworkers have a copy of my house key just in case something happens. I cried in his arms while he rubbed my back.

"It sucks I know. I've been there once. Just know it will be okay and I know if he contacts you soon. You know he's the one. If not its better to let go than to hold on. You'll find someone out there." He sucks at advise while made me laugh but honestly it was something I needed to hear. "Come on. Let's get you clean up." He said. He helped me up and we headed to my bathroom.

He tried to do my makeup and hair but couldn't so I ended up doing with wasn't a surprise. I stayed in my sweats but decided to wear a black tank top instead. We both headed out with Honey by our side and head to work.

*Joel's POV*

Today was a working day. First recording studio, learning new choreography, a few local interviews, meet and greet and a concert. After that we were allowed to go home finally. I get to ho back to California. I texted Maddie then got ready for the day. As I was getting dressed I turned on the t.v. so it isn't to quiet here. When I was cooking breakfast, I heard something that caught my attention.

"So this is new. We just found out that Shawn Mended and Cezanne Lopez," God I haven't heard that name in a while. ".. broke up this morning?"

"Yes. Recently the Co-Star in Problem Z tweeted 'they end up leaving you with no explanations, with no goodbye.' Which makes me wonder what happened last night."

"But last night the two were caught racing, going to the movies, and Shawn singing to her."

"I honestly don't know what actually happened but I am very sad for their breakup. I mean, they are the cutest couple out there!"

"I agree I thought they will get married eventually but I guess not. Up next is Kylie Jenner Kim Kardashian surrogate? And is Camila Cabello pregnant? We have more details ahead." I turned off the t.v. and smiled. Why am I smiling? I bet Cezanne is crying right now. But I'm smiling because when I get there I'll surprise her. I mean we're still friends right?

Freedom // Joel pimentel Where stories live. Discover now