Chapter 31

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(an: okay so today is Joel's birthday so im writing a birthday chapter for you guys in honor of his birthday. But keep in mind I pre-write my chapters so you guys won't be reading this in about a month so sorry about that haha.)

*the next day*

"So Cezanne, i was thinking that we should take you out and explore Miami for a bit?" Charlie said while we were eating breakfast the next day.

"Um what is today's date?" I asked him before I put a spoonful of strawberry yogurt in my mouth.

"The 28th." Shawn reply. The 28th the 28th the 28th. There's something happing today. I just don't remember what.

"Oh. Um. Well. Uh. I don't care. Let's go." I said. I then went to my room to get ready. I put on this nice white bralette since I didn't feel like wearing a shirt. Then light blue jeans and my white converse. I threw on my black Shawn Mendes hoodie and put my hands inside the pocket. I then when downstairs to meet the boys.

"I love your hoodie." Shawn said winking at me.

"Ugh. That hoodie is soooo ugly. I'll get you a better one soon." Charlie said. I smiled and shook my head at them.

I posted a picture on Instagram before we left.

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cezanne reunited ∞

view 33,482 comments
arianagrande girl DM me asap!!
Kyliejenner oo cezzy! we have to catch up!

We went to a shopping center. We immediately went to this amazing frozen yogurt place based on the boys. From there we did a mini photo shoot at the fountain that was in the center of the whole place. First it was me and Shawn. Then Charlie and I, then Shawn and Charlie. There was some fans around so we asked them to take some pictures of the three of us. After that we went to go watch Black Panther. When we got out it was already dark outside, so since we are still young, well at least Shawn and I are, we decided to walk around. 

"Cezanne! Lets do a vlog!" Charlie said.

"Haha okay. What do you want me to do?"

"Walk towards me and be cute." He then pulled out his phone. He jogged a little bit far from me, Shawn following him. I then cat walked, turned, then smiled over my shoulder.

"My turn!" Shawn then walked towards us and did a sexy pose. After Shawn I filmed Charlie doing almost the same thing. The rest of the night we spent filming each other. Shawn bought me an ice cream cone. While I was eating it, he grabbed some ice cream on his finger and then put it on my nose.

"Shawn!" I said. I grabbed a napkin with my free hand and wiped it off my nose. I then had the brilliant idea to put the ice cream all over his face. Of course I looked over at Charlie who was filming the whole thing while laughed. I smirk at Shawn. "Payback bitch." I said.

Shawn then grabbed a napkin and tried to clean himself. "I'll be back." Shawn said. Charlie and I sat there laughing at him. While Charlie and I were talking, I looked outside the ice cream shop's window and saw Richard outside right across the street. 

"Um Charlie, I'll be back. I am just going across the street." I said.

"Shouldn't we wait for Shawn?" He asked.

"Mm no I'll just be back I see someone that I know." He then nodded and I left. I checked both sides before crossing the street and jogged over to him.

"Hey Cezanne. Sorry can you hold Aliyah really quick." He then handed me the little baby girl. "Yes I'm outside. Hurry up he's almost on his way." He said through the phone. "Were in apt 382 imma go up to finish setting up. Okay hurry. Bye." He then hung up. "Follow me."

"I'm so happy you were able to make it. Although I suggest you change your hoodie. I'm sure he won't like that." He said. Then the baby started to cry. "No Aliyah not now. Can you calm here down for me please?" He said. I am very confused right now. I then looked at the baby and tickled her. She started to laugh instead to cry. I then swing her which also made her giggle.

"He's going to freak out when-"

"Surprise!" The people in the apartment yelled.

"Its not me dummies." Richard then put the balloons and a pink box in their place. Right when he put those down, I pulled him into the kitchen.

"Richard what the-"

"Guys he's coming!" Someone said.

"Shh! Hide!" Richard said. He then took the  baby out of my arms. I walked around to find an empty room. Once I did I closed the door and laid on the bed. While I was sniffing in, I could smell and scent that was very familiar but couldn't put a finger on it. The room was dark so I have no idea who it could be. I closed my eyes for a few seconds to rest my body after a long day.

"Surprise!" Everyone yelled. The blew their horns and whatever making a lot of noise.

"Happy birthday dude," I heard.

"Happy birthday Joel." Wait. Joel? Fuck. I quickly got up and walked towards the door.

Right when I was about to turn the doorknob, I heard him say, "I'll be right back I'm going to quickly change." I then ran to the other side of the bed next to the window hoping he doesn't find me. I heard Joel enter the room and closing the door behind him. I heard footsteps coming closer and closer then stopped, then more footsteps. Then a phone started to ring. Fuck.

"No no no. Please." I whispered yelled at my phone, once I got it out of my pocket and turned it off I saw him looking over me. Fuck.

an: shortish chapter I'm sorry! Lol I want to apologize. this book isn't as good as my first two. I tried I'm sorry.

anyways hoped you liked it!

published on march 4 @ 8:43 pm

love you guys!

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