Chapter 8

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"Hey Cezanne." Rose said.

"Hola Rosy." I greeted her in Spanish. I grabbed my script and turned to the page that we will be shooting today.

"When's the next time you and Shawn will be hanging out?" She asked.

"Uh. I think today. Imma call him once we're done. Why?"

"Just asking. Its exciting that my best friend is dating Shawn Mendes!"

"I guess it is haha."

"Cezanne!" My manager said storming in.

"I'll leave you guys alone." Rose said then left us. I started to my dressing room where they are going to get me ready.

"Where were you Cezanne." She said yelling at me.

"Why does it matter? I'm alive."

"Because - I have to go. We will have a serious talk once I am available again." She said as she answered her phone. I rolled my eyes at her and continued practicing my lines again.

While I was practicing I got a text message. I opened my phone and saw it was Shawn.

Shawn 🎸: hey cez. Are you busy right now?

Me: unfortunately yes I am. But hey you're always welcome to come on set. By the way I need someone to practice my lines. (:

Shawn 🎸: haha alright I'll go over there. We'll just plan movie night for another day.

Me: aw mann I would love to watch movies instead of being in them. Lol

Shawn 🎸: hey being in movies is cool. Okay I'll see you in a bit. (:

I then locked my phone. I smiled at our little conversation. I then walked to my mirror to make sure I don't look like a mess. I brushed my hair since it was starting to get a bit messy. I then did a half pony bun. At least I look a bit alive now.

I then got another text message. But this time it was from Joel. I opened the message and read.

Joel ☀: hey Cezanne. I just want to let you know that thank you once again for being amazing to me yesterday. Sadly I just found out that I'm leaving today. I'm going back to Miami. But hey we'll see each other soon. But in the meantime we can talk on the phone. Whenever we can. Anyways just wanted to let you know. See you soon.

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