Chapter 37.

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I started driving to the police station to report this. When I enter the building all eyes were on me. I tried to ignore it the best as I can and headed to the front desk. "How may I help you, sir?" The lady asked?

"I'm here to report that my girlfriend has been kidnapped." she then looked straight at me.

"Are you sure she didn't run away?" she asked which I took quite offensively.

"I have proof right here," I said handing her the tape

She then said to follow her and that I what I did. She leads me to the detective office where I waited for him.

"Hello, Joel. What may I help you with?" George asked. Don't ask how we know each other.

"My girlfriend has been kidnapped and we have to look for her now! I have proof right here and I have the license number here let's go before he or she does anything to her." I blurted out. The then took the tape and put it in his computer. 

"Hm, I see. I'll file a report right now and see what we can do." 

"George can we just look for her without any game plan, or whatever you guys do. We need to look for her now." I begged.

"I'll see what I can do." He slightly smiled and I sighed in frustration. 

I then got a text message from an unknown number. 

Unknown: Come alone or she dies.

Then a picture message came in which was a gun pointed to a naked Cezanne helplessly laying on the floor. 

I know society says "men don't cry" but I can't stop myself from crying after seeing that picture. The person then gave me an address and with no hesitation, I went to my car after I used the restroom.

I then started to drive wherever my google maps navigator told me to go. After about an hour and a half of driving. I arrived in a middle of nowhere. I got out of my car and started walking to the house. I knocked on the door and after a few seconds, someone opened the door.

He then blindfolded me then tied my hands together then pushed me. I then heard the door closed and left me alone. I then heard some whimpering in the background. 

"Cezanne?" I asked with a shaking voice.

"Joel." She said in a soft voice. I was relieved that she is still alive.

"Babe are you okay?" I asked.

"No. He- he-" 

"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it," I told her and she started crying. "Cez? I want to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry for walking out n you like that. I know you and Shawn were just on your guys ways to get a new phone. What happened to your phone anyways? Did you drop it or-"

"I threw it across the wall." She said then started to untie my wrists.

"Oh. What made you-"

"Hate. I was getting a lot of hate after this interview that Rossy did." She then took off my blindfold and I open my eyes. For a few seconds, my eyes adjusted to the dark and I was able to see Cezanne again. I sighed then took off my jacket and t-shirt and put it on her. She then got closer to me and started crying on me. 

"Cez I promise you we are getting out very soon." I then kissed her forehead as she continued crying. 

"It's Christopher and Erick," She whispered. I could feel myself getting really tense. I clench my jaw together, so hard that might be able to break it.  

I then got up and headed to the door. "Joel where are you going?" She asked. Before I touched the doorknob, I return back to her and gave her a hug. 

*Cezanne POV*

"Joel where are you going?" I asked him when he got up and headed to the door. He then walked back to me and gave me a hug. 

"I love you Cezanne. I love you so much. Never forget that." He said. Then tears started streaming down my face.

"Joel please stay," I whispered.

"Help is on the way, okay babe?" He said in a shaky voice. He then kissed my forehead and let go of me. He then walked out of the room and left me alone in the dark. 

"I love you too," I said quietly right after he closed the door. 

As I was crying in the dark, I heard 5 gunshots. 



"Guys she's in here!" I heard someone said. Some people the came inside the room letting some light in. 

"Hi Cezanne. Just to let you know we are here to help you, you're safe now sweetie." A female officer said.

"Joel? Is Joel okay?" I asked immediately.

"How about we get you out of here first and get you to the hospital." She said. She then helped me up and someone carried me to the ambulance bed. They put me down and rolled me into the ambulance.


After they checked up on me, they left me alone in the room. A few seconds later Charlie and Shawn came in.

"Cezzy Oh my Goodness, are you okay? Ugh, I don't like seeing you like this. From now on you are hanging out with me." Charlie said being an overprotective older brother.

"I'm fine Charlie. Have you guys heard anything about Joel?" I asked them.

They then both looked at each other upset.

"Please tell me he's okay," I said with tears starting to come out of my eyes.

"I'm sorry Cezzy," Charlie said putting down the sunflowers on my bed as he came closer to me. 

an: I am currently alone in the cafeteria staring at my crush... jk! but I am alone ): that is what sucks on tuesday.

I have California testing thing & I'm helps nervous! I'm trying to pass so I don't take the placement test for college later on 😭

Vote comment and um share!!

also this is third to last chapter ): I might do a bonus chapter later on

Published on march 27 2018 @ 7:55 am

what the heck its still 7?

Freedom // Joel pimentel Where stories live. Discover now