New Family

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of this art. I also don't own Voltron (I wish) Believe me you do not want to see me draw. I did design the cover but I did not draw the art. If I know the artist I will credit in the comments. If you know the credit and I don't please tell me. Anyways enjoy the book.


Their faces forever burned in his mind.

Just as burned as the old country house he used to live in.

His parents.

The smoke.

The Smoke.

The Fire.

That Damn Fire.

The roof of their old farmhouse collapsing, closing off the exit. Their faces, burning, melting in the flames.

He would never forget the image of their skin slowly melting off their faces. Horror in their eyes.

There was one thing that Keith didn't understand.

He never saw his parents when they died.

All of it was in his head.

In his nightmares.


I shot awake. But I wasn't in my bed at the home I was staying at.

I was sitting in the back of a smelly cab on my way to a new house.

I knew it wouldn't last long. Every new family I got cast me out as soon as they found out. I shouldn't get my hopes up with this one. They are no different than my other "families".

The family that is fostering me this time were around there mid to late thirties. Lee and Mae Shirogane. They had a son a year older than me. Takashi. Takashi Shirogane. He would be attending high school with me. Him a senior, me a junior.

I had to take a cab to their house. It was far from the social worker office, thankfully I didn't have to pay for it.

After an hour-long car ride in a disgusting taxi, we finally pulled up into the Shirogane driveway. It was a single family home, two stories, nothing too fancy. I grabbed my bag and headed to the front door. My case worker paid for the cab in advance so as soon as I was out it pulled out of the driveway.

I carried my red duffel bag to the front door. I took a deep breath. Hopefully, they were different.

Who are you kidding? Once they find out what you are they'll cast you out like the rest of them.

I raised my hand, but before I could knock the door swung open. A short Asian woman with black hair, that had hints of gray, stood in the doorway. She wore an apron that said Worlds Okay-est cook. I assumed she was Mae.

She smiled.

"You must be Keith. I am Mae. Welcome to your new home." She said. She gave me a hug. I'm not into hugs or any human contact, but she gave a nice hug. I didn't hug back though. Soon she would cast me out like the rest.

She led me through the house until we arrived at the living room. A man with dark hair and blue eyes sat on the couch. He didn't seem to notice us. He was too into the newspaper he was reading.

"Lee!" Mae said. Lee looked up.

"Oh, sorry. You must be Keith. Welcome to the family son." He said. He held out a hand. I shook it.

"Takashi will me eager to meet you. He's always wanted a brother." Mae said. Well, then I'm going to disappoint.

She led me to the stairs. Then something started beeping in the kitchen. Mae cursed under her breath.

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