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Keith went home late that night. We didn't say much to each other. He made some dinner with the food I had. Which ended up being homemade chicken noodle soup with ramen noodles and leftover KFC from a couple nights before. It actually tasted pretty good for being what Keith called 'Hobo Chicken Noodle Soup'. (A/N: fun fact: this was a real food my mom used to make when I was younger. It wasn't as good as hamburger helper or Mac and cheese but it was ok)

After he left I went to bed. The kittens also came in.

It didn't hit me until the next morning. I was just getting out of the shower, ready to apply the face creams I used for my morning routine.

I told someone about Sophia.

The words echoed in my head. Nobody knew about my sister. Even Shiro and Pidge didn't know. Just Hunk and that was because we practically grew up together. The rest of them thought that she was just one of my cousins. I didn't even know most of them until my freshman year when Shiro and Bianca dated.

Now Keith knew. I guess it was fair though. I knew he was trans, he knew about my sister.

Maybe one day I could tell him about mom and dad.

I shook the thoughts from my head and continued getting ready. Shiro said baseball practice was Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. That way I could make swim practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I wasn't captaining this year but the person who was, a friend of mine named Liam, told me I was second in command. Which meant that no doubt I would be captain next year.

Now what to wear today.

I rummaged through my closet before deciding on a pair of blue jeans, a cat shirt that said 'show me your Kitties', a galaxy print pullover, and a pair of gray and white Adidas.

I saw Toby and Sophia on my bed. I did a couple poses for them.

"What do you think guys? Good enough for today?" I asked. Sophia mewed approvingly, which made me laugh. I was surprised how warmed up they both were to humans. Most cats that were homeless don't like people much. Maybe they just realized how awesome I was. Or maybe it was because they were getting fed.

"Gatitos tontos," I muttered before leaving my room.

I didn't have my car today. It was still in the shop. My uncle, Jeremiah and his son, Leo both had an auto body shop they owned. Even though Leo was only 16. They said I could have my car back Wednesday. So I was walking to school the next few days. Which I did when it wasn't too cold anyway.

Unfortunately, it was raining today. Maybe if I run into him, Adrien would give me his umbrella. Then again, he is not only a fictional character, but he lives in Paris. God damn fictional characters. Why can't you be real people? I wish I could be a superhero in a sexy magic leather catsuit.

I had about ten minutes until I needed to leave. I pulled out my phone. I had one missed message.

Marshmellow💛- Is your car still broken?

Me- yeah till Wednesday. why?

Marshmellow💛- I'm coming to pick you up. It's too rainy to walk.

Me- you're a lifesaver hunk!!!!

Marshmellow💛- 😁 Just make sure you're ready when I get there. I don't want to be late.

In Just A Week // Trans Klance FicWhere stories live. Discover now