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It was a while after Thanksgiving. Matt had kept his promise not to tell anyone about Keith and I. And yes, Keith told me about that.

Honestly, I was excited to have my first Christmas with Keith. Christmas was a good time of the year. Nothing bad has happened on Christmas yet.

It was currently three weeks after Thanksgiving and Keith and I were helping Bianca with the kids while she and Javi decorated the apartment.

"I personally think we should have the tree over by the recliner," I said.

"I think it looked better by the couch," Keith said. He looked adorably cute in the Santa hat we dug out of the Christmas decorations. He also had a black sweater and dark skinny jeans on. He had taped a picture of me to the front of his shirt saying it was his "ugly sweater".

"You always have to disagree with me don't you," I said. Keith rolled his eyes.

"I'm just saying that if it's next to the recliner then it will block the kitchen from the TV," Keith said.

"Yeah, but if it's by the couch I can't see it from the bathroom if the doors open," I said.

"Um...when are you going to pee with the door open here?" Keith asked.

"Oh, wouldn't you like to know?" I said. He rolled his eyes.

"Jesus, you guys argue like an old married couple," Bianca said.

"Maybe someday," I said, winking at Keith. He simply rolled his eyes again.

"In your dreams." He said.

"You know it," I said. He threw his hands up in the air.

"I give up. B, where's your alcohol?" He asked, heading into the kitchen.

"I have to keep it hidden. Eli gets into it sometimes." Bianca said.

"Or sometimes Javi gets into it," I commented. Javi gave me a look.

"Cállate. Como si estuvieras mejor, primo!" He said.

"Sí, pero soy más viejo que tú." I said.

"Sólo dos meses!" He snapped.

"Además, puedo manejar el alcohol. No puedes." I said.

"Puedo manejar el alcohol!" He said.

"Ok, what's going on. I'm only in my first year of Spanish." Keith asked Bianca. She laughed.

"They're arguing over who can handle alcohol better," Bianca said.

"Lance can't handle alcohol at all. He's a lovey, idiot drunk. He tried to make out with Shiro once." Keith said.

"I'm not surprised. He almost went out with Shiro once." Bianca said.

"What?" Keith asked.

At that moment I stopped arguing with Javi.

"Um...lets change the subject shall we?" I said to Bianca and Keith.

"You tried to date Shiro!?" He asked.

"Yeah, maybe." I said quickly, "Now let's ask her about the thing we came to talk about."

Keith gave me a 'This is not over' look. Before changing the subject.

"So. I wanted to ask you something that Louise mentioned just before Halloween." Keith said.

"Ok," Bianca said.

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