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The class was pretty normal after that. It wasn't until gym that anything out of the ordinary happened.

Hunk and I were both dressing down. Keith grabbed his clothes and went into the bathroom. I saw Al's eyes follow him but he didn't say or do anything.

"Hey, Keith left his locker open." Hunk said.


"You said you wanted to find out what Keith was hiding. Well, he left his locker open." Hunk said, "I don't agree with snooping but you are my best friend."

"Maybe your right. Snooping is wrong." I said. He looked at me strangely.

"Wait really?" He said. I nodded.

"Yeah." I said, "I...Have to go to the bathroom. I'll meet you in the gym."

Hunk nodded and left the locker room. Almost everyone was already in the gym. Just Al, Keith, Me and Two other guys I didn't know.

I leaned against my locker, waiting for Al to leave. If I left before him or Keith he might try something.

"Aren't you already dressed McClain?" Al asked.

"Could say the same for you Al," I said.

"I'm just waiting for the bathroom to open up," Al said. The two other guys left the locker room.

"Listen Al. You know what will happen if you mess with Keith." I said, quiet enough so Keith couldn't hear from the bathroom stalls.

"Yeah McLame? You think I'm actually scared of your threats. Your so scrawny I could snap you like a twig." He said.

"I beat your ass once. I'll do it again." I said.

"You had a baseball bat," Al said.

"I only used it because you were trying to beat Keith with it. I can kick your ass with or without a bat." I said.

"You wanna bet?" Al asked.

"You're just trying to get me to fight you so I get in trouble," I said.

"Yeah, you caught me." Al said, "Why do you even care about Keithy anyways?"

"He's my friend. If you pick on any of my friends I will not hesitate to beat you." I said.

"Oooh! I'm soooo scared." Al said.

"How about this. I'll tell the whole school about you and your stepsister." I said quietly. His eyes went wide.

"You wouldn't...." He said.

"Oh, I would. And I even have pictures to prove it." I said quietly, "You lay one hand on Keith and everyone will know about your secret."

He glared at me. Then left the locker room.

"Hurry up Keith, we're going to be late," I said. The stall door opened and he walked out. He quickly put his stuff in his locker and followed me out.

We all had a free day in gym because we had a substitute teacher.

Hunk convinced the sub to let him go work on homework in the library which left Keith and I to find something to do.

"What do you wanna do?" I asked him.

"I don't know. I'm not very good at sports. You don't have a volleyball net up and all the basketball hoops are taken." He said. I thought for a moment.

In Just A Week // Trans Klance FicWhere stories live. Discover now