The "Date"

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"What? Really? I figured you would know Spanish."

"Keith, why don't you just ask Lance? He's literally cursed me out in Spanish when he passed me in the hall today." Lotor said.

"He's busy with his new girlfriend," I grumbled. Lotor laughed.

"Sounds like someone is jealous," Lotor said.

"I'm not jealous!" I said quickly.

"Don't worry Keith, your secret is safe with me." Lotor said, "I would offer to help you but Lance would probably freak out."

"You mean like, you pretend to go on a date with me to make him jealous or something," I asked.

"Well yeah, but that would make Lance blow up. If he thought we were dating he would probably kill me. He almost did when I slept with Allura." Lotor said.

"Do you think you could explain what exactly happened between you and Lance. The whole Allura thing. And why the heck they were freaking out about a croissant." I asked. Lotor laughed.

"That's actually a funny story. They just kind of took it the wrong way." Lotor said.

"Well, I'll start with Allura. While it was true I did really like Allura while Lance and I were dating I didn't ever try anything with her. One night we had a little party at her place. It was originally just Lance, Pidge, Matt, Shiro, Allura, Coran, Hunk, and I. Then some other kids found out. It eventually became a full party. Someone spiked the punch and Allura and I had way too much of it. This was near the end of Lance and I's relationship. I had seen him flirt with a lot of people at the party, including Shiro. He was also drunk, but he doesn't like to admit it. So I thought a good way to show him I was done with our relationship was to sleep with Allura. We both really liked her and I thought that maybe since we were really close she would choose me over him. But of course, Lance convinced her that I was the one to get her drunk. And because she had was too drunk to remember anything she took his side. I tried to stay friends with everyone but they didn't trust me. We were still sort of friends but not really. At the time I lived with Lance. We had been in a relationship for a while so it only made sense. Everyone was hanging out at Pidge's one night. When I showed up they got mad and kicked me out. I went back to the apartment. That's when I saw the croissant. It was just sitting in the fridge. Nobody told me it was special. Apparently, it was a croissant Hunk bought in France for Lance during his summer vacation. When he got home and found out I ate it he actually kicked me out." Lotor explained.

"I guess that croissant story wasn't as funny as I thought..." He said, laughing nervously.

"What about what Lance said about you cheating on him?" I asked.

"Oh that. He always was afraid I was going to cheat on him. He's surprisingly insecure, you'd think he wouldn't be, you know he brags about himself all the time. Well, I have this group of girls I hang out with. They were like my only friends before I met Lance. Anyways be always thought I was cheating on him with one of them. I told him to stop being paranoid but he still thought I was cheating. Jokes on him, none of them are even straight." Lotor said. We both laughed.

"Thanks for telling me all that," I said.

"Of course Keith. We are friends after all." Lotor said.

"Maybe I will take you up on that offer to make Lance jealous," I said.

"I don't know if that's really a good idea..." Lotor started to say.

"No, wait! I got it. I'm going to figure out where Lance is with that Spencer chick and we can show up there." I said.

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