Ex Madness

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Allura ran straight at Lotor, punching him right in the face. I mean, I've seen Allura get mad at Al but this was different. She was actually hitting someone.

"How dare you! You almost ruined my friendship with Lonce!" She yelled.

I was assuming she was the one Lotor accidentally slept with.

"Woah! Guys, why don't we just calm down and talk this out." I said. Shiro pulled Allura off of him.

"Calm down!? This guy cheated on me multiple times, and on top of that he got Allura drunk and slept with her!" Lance said.

"Yeah, but he was also drunk. Simple mistake." I said back. Lance looked at me.

"Are you seriously going to believe every word he tells you!? The whole reason we broke up was his lies!" Lance said.

"He's given me no reason not to trust him," I said.

"Well, he's lying to you. If you want to know the real story, ask Allura. Or me. Lotor is just going to lie to you. It's what he's best at." Lance said, glaring at him.

"Listen. I just came here to talk. I was hoping we could make up. I am really sorry for what happened." Lotor said.

"Can it Lotor! You had your chances. We trusted you. And you still lied to all of us. And you used Lance! And Allura!" Pidge said.

"Not to mention you stole Lance's car and blamed it on Nyma," Matt added.

"And ate the last croissant!" Hunk added. The others nodded in agreement. Apparently, this croissant was important.

I looked at Lotor. Maybe they were right, maybe he did lie to me.

"Keith, I swear I can explain," Lotor said.

"Ok sure. The only explanation was that you were a selfish asshole." Lance said.

"Fine. Then I'll leave." Lotor said. He glanced at me. I looked between Lotor and Lance.

"Your going to gave choose Keith. Him or me." Lotor said. Lance looked at me, he looked hurt, like he was afraid I would pick Lotor.

"I'm sorry Lotor, I've known them longer. Maybe we can talk later." I said. Lotor looked at me, then at Lance, then back at me.

"See you later Keith," Lotor said before walking away.

I sat back down, not looking at anyone.

"Keith." Someone said. I wasn't sure who. I ignored them.


I continued to ignore them. Trying not to look up.


"What!?" I demanded a little too harshly. Lance who sat in front of me looked taken aback.

"I didn't say anything..." He said. I looked around.

Oh great now I'm hearing voices again. Lovely. I thought. Lance pointed behind me. I looked behind me and saw a girl with brightly colored hair in a ponytail. I recognized her as one of Lotor's friends, or someone I had seen him talk to and hang out with.

In Just A Week // Trans Klance FicWhere stories live. Discover now