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Pidge texted me early Sunday morning and asked if I wanted to hang out with her on at the mall for the day.

Shiro said that our parents wouldn't be back until late so I didn't have to worry about being late to meet his grandma....or our grandma I guess.

I agreed to meet Pidge at the mall, in the food court. Apparently, there was a killer arcade we missed during our last visit and Pidge was determined to beat keep her high scores on all of the games.

I wasn't sure how Pidge was going to get there because she couldn't drive and Matt wasn't home. But Pidge assured me she would be fine.

Because I didn't have to worry about having to drive anyone I took my bike instead of Shiro's truck.

When I got there Pidge was waiting, eating a box of Cinnabon.

As soon as I got over to her I stole the box from her.

"Hey! Give that back!" She said. I held it high enough to where she couldn't get it.

"Nope. It's mine now." I said, and I ate the remaining deserts in the box.

She glared at me.

"You owe me." She said.

"No, I don't," I said. As we walked to the arcade.

Once we got to it Pidge dragged me from game to game, insisting we do ALL of the multiplayer games first. The first being street fighter and the last being one of the 5 racing games the arcade held. There were a couple games we couldn't exactly play. The Big Buck Hunter game was difficult because it was too tall for Pidge. She insisted she climbed on my shoulders to play. We were halfway through it when one of the employees politely asked us to "Not climb on each other in the arcade."

As the employee left Pidge muttered several curse words.

"Since when is that a rule. Lance and I do that all the time." She said.

If course Pidge and I did it again and again. After the fourth reminder, the employee gave up.

Pidge and I smiled and continued to beat the high scores of all of the games. Of course, we couldn't beat all of them. We were good but not that good. Pidge kept pulling me back to the ones we hadn't beat saying, "One more time! I promise." Needless to say, she broke that promise several times.

Eventually, I got a call from Shiro saying I needed to come home before mom and grandma got there.

Before we left Pidge and I stopped in a candy shop.

Here's something you might not have known about me. I am a chocolate addict. I have a secret stash in my room and I can't go more than one day without it. My favorite chocolate is white chocolate. What did you assume I liked more dark chocolate because I'm emo?

So you can imagine when Pidge dragged me into a candy store I was freaking out.

They had the biggest selection of chocolate stuff I had ever seen. I ran around the store like a small child trying to figure out how much I could buy with the 25 dollars left in my wallet.

One of the employees walked over to us with a sample tray. There were two choices. I ate mine, then stole Pidges.

"Hey! Stop stealing my food!" Pidge complained. I was too busy drooling over the other chocolates to care.


Pidge and I left the shop with a large bag of sweets. I had more than enough to keep my stash full for weeks. Maybe I could hide a stash at Lance's house. Knowing him he would probably find it, eat it all, get sick, then call me and complain about it.

In Just A Week // Trans Klance FicWhere stories live. Discover now