The Sleepover

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The night was full of Mario Kart, pizza, monopoly (which I crushed everyone), and mortal combat. Matt had brought the pizza, one of which was Shiro's nasty pineapple Canadian bacon pizza. Matt also enjoyed the gross fruit pizza.

Once we all had our pizza we all sat in the living room.

"Ok, what are we watching tonight?" Matt asked.

"No Bee Movie!" Pidge said before I started to say something.

"Aw man. We haven't watched that movie since last weekend." I complained.

I swear I heard Keith whisper, "Ya like Jazz?"

"Maybe Keith should pick, he's the newbie." Hunk suggested. We all looked at Keith who was sitting next to me on the couch.

He started to say, "We could watch-"


Everyone stared at me.

"Come on. We can start with the most recent one and work our way to Cinderella!" I said.

"No! We're not watching Frozen again!" Shiro complained.

"LET IT GOOOO, LET IT GOOO, CAN'T HOLD IT BACK ANYMOOORE!" I screamed. Pidge, Allura, and Shiro all threw pillows at me.

"Lance, shut the fuck up before I throw my pizza at you," Pidge said. Shiro glared at her.

"Pidge, Language!" He said.

"Ok, dad." She said. He glared at her.

"Keith, please pick something that isn't Disney or a meme movie," Matt said.

"I was going to say maybe a Star Wars marathon..." Keith said awkwardly.

"Keith you are my new favorite person!" I said, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. His face got redder.

"I just haven't seen them in a while..." He said.

"Ok, but we're skipping The Phantom Menace, " Pidge said.



Lance and Pidge got in a yelling match about how awful jar jar was.

"ME-SA THINK JAR-JAR IS WELL DEVELOPED CHARACTER. YOU-SA IS JUST JEALOUS!" Lance yelled. Pidge tackled him, which he was easily able to block and push her down as she was shorter than a fifth grader.

"Guys, let's just watch the movies. Lance put in the first movie. Pidge... there's pepperoni in your hair..." Shiro said.

"Ok, dad," Lance said. Lance put in the movie and sat back down. Pidge took the pepperoni out of her hair and ate it.

7 Star Wars Movies Later

(Minor Spoilers for The Force Awakens and maybe The Last Jedi)

"Come on, just two more movies!" Lance said. Hunk, Coran, Allura, Pidge and Shiro were all asleep. Which left Lance, Matt, and Me. Matt was barely awake but determined to watch all 9 movies, as he was a die-hard Star Wars Nerd like Lance.

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