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Keith didn't respond after what I said. So I assumed he was either pissed off at me, he was awkward about the kiss, or he got his phone taken away. All of those being pretty likely answers.

I wanted to talk to him about the kiss but that isn't something you casually joke about over text. I wanted to talk face to face.

It was last period. I had no idea what he had for his last class but maybe if I asked him to meet me after school today. Then again, I have baseball practice today after school. Maybe invite him to practice? Although we won't get time to talk until after. And I doubt he wants to watch practice. Maybe I can invite him to hang out after. Like, to get food or a coffee or something.

I quickly pulled out my phone and texted him.

Me-hey Keith. do u wanna get something to eat or something after practice is over?

It took him a minute to respond.

Emo Trash❤- Actually Lance I have plans after school. Maybe another time.

Did this mean he was freaked out by the kiss!? Did I scare him off!? Did I just ruin our friendship!?

Ok. Maybe he did actually have plans. Maybe he wasn't freaked out. Maybe I'm just overreacting.

I wrote out a text:

Me- Is this about the kiss?

But I didn't send it. It would be better to just ask him in person.

Once the bell rang I made my way to his locker. He was just putting his stuff in as I got there.

"Hey," I said. He jumped. Then turned around.

"Jesus Lance! Don't sneak up on me like that. You scared the shit out of me." He said quickly.

"Sorry. I just wanted to talk." I said, "About what happened at the gym today."

Keith's face went slightly red.

"I...um...I'm really sorry if I freaked you out. I didn't mean to. We can just pretend that it never happened. I just...I was worried you were making up plans so you didn't have to see me. Now I realize it's kind of a dick move to corner you at your locker. Yeah real smart of me. Oh god, now I'm rambling...Um but yeah I'm really really sorry Keith. It won't happen again. And um...yeah." I said quickly.

Keith smiled.

"It's okay Lance. And no, I didn't makeup plans. There was a new kid today I met on my way to my class and he wanted to hang out since he doesn't have many friends yet." Keith explained. I sighed with relief.

"That makes me feel better. I almost thought I had lost you." I laughed, "Why don't you bring this new kid to lunch tomorrow. That way we can all meet him."

"Yeah. That would be great. I'm sure you'd like him." Keith said. He checked his phone.

"Oh shit. I have to go now. I'm meeting him for coffee. Bye Lance!" He said quickly before shutting his locker and running down the hall.

I smiled as he turned the corner.

"Bye Keith."



Lotor and I both had vehicles we had to take home so we decided to meet at the coffee place instead of going together.

In Just A Week // Trans Klance FicWhere stories live. Discover now