New Rival

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Shiro went after me, but I lost him in the swarm of students. But as I escaped Shiro I also managed to lose myself in the labyrinth of the school. Teens all around me, chatting with there friends, or taking selfies or...god forbid....dabbing. Ewww.

I was mainly pissed off at the Lance kid. I mean, who the fuck would just go up to their friend's brother and start making fun of them. Sure, my hair was long, that wasn't really my fault. My old families never really let me cut my hair. It used to be short but over the years I wasn't able to cut it. Eventually, the long-haired style grew on me a bit.

I didn't want to have to talk to anyone so I just wandered the halls. Everyone at this school looked so mean. Eventually, I found someone who looked like they could help. She was a tall blonde girl with perfectly straightened hair. Her clothes made her look like Regina George from Mean Girls. She was handing out flyers. That said, Leadership is The Club to Join!

I walked up to her.

"Excuse me, can you help me? I'm trying to find the main office." I said. She looked at the girl next to her.

"Did I say I that this thing could talk to me, Stephanie?" She said. Stephanie shook her head.

"I don't know what it is Lindsey. Whatever it is, it needs to leave. This is a popular people only hallway. The losers hang out in there." Stephanie pointed to a room across the quad that had a pencil and paper over it. I was guessing it was the art room.

"What are you still doing here mullet boy? Get out of my hall." Lindsey said. She had that stereotypical popular girl attitude. I wanted to punch her but I restrained myself. We may both be biologically female, but I was definitely stronger than her. And I'm willing to bet that she had a rich parent who would sue me if I touched a little hair on her ugly fucking face.

I walked to the art room, maybe someone there could help me.

Once I walked in I noticed everyone was pretty much in groups. Everyone except one girl. She sat in the corner of the room, a pair of pink headphones covered her ears and some of her straight, long, reddish-brown, hair. Her hair mostly obscured her face. She wore blackish-gray ripped jeans and a purple hoodie. She drew on a sketch pad but ended up ripping up everything she had drawn. I decided if I wanted any help, she'd probably be the person to talk to.

"Hey, do you think you could help me," I said, tapping on her shoulder. She looked up.

"Huh?" She said, taking off her headphones.

"I'm kinda lost. Do you think you can help me." I said. She smiled.

"Sure. You're probably looking for the main office." The girl said. She stood up, putting her sketchpad in her backpack.

"I'm Cassie by the way." The girl said, extending her hand.

"Keith," I said, shaking it.

We walked through the quad and into another hallway. She steered clear of the "Popular Hallway". When I asked her about it she simply said,

"Too many whores wanting to suck their way through high school."

And that was the end of that conversation.

Once we got to the main office she said goodbye and went back to the art room. The lady behind the counter wore a headset and was doing twenty things at once.

I waited for her to notice me.


I cleared my throat.

In Just A Week // Trans Klance FicWhere stories live. Discover now