Shiro's Little Secret

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The appointment went well. The vet gave me a special type of food that would help the cats gain a little more weight since they were extremely underweight.

I dropped the kittens off at the house, leaving them some food and water. I would probably check in on them later. But for now, I wanted to find out why Shiro was acting so weird on the phone.

Once I got close to the house I parked around the corner so he wouldn't see the truck.

I walked to the house and opened the front door quietly. As soon as I got inside I heard laughter from the living room. I stealthily snuck down the hall to the edge of the living room. I peaked my head around the corner.

And what I saw amazed me. I saw the back of Shiro's head as he sat on the couch with...Pidge? She seemed strangely taller than I remembered. And was Shiro Shirtless?

"What should we watch next?" Shiro asked. Pidge turned and I saw that is wasn't Pidge, but Matt!

"I don't know. You pick this time." Matt said.

"Come on, you know I'm bad at picking movies. Last time I picked a movie you abandoned me because you didn't like it." Shiro complained.

"That's because you picked IT. You know I hate clowns." Matt said. Shiro frowned.

"I promise I won't leave this time," Matt said. He leaned over and gave Shiro a kiss on the forehead!

"We should really tell the others soon," Matt said. Shiro frowned.

"I just don't want them to think we're weird. And Allura...I know she likes me. I've always gotten the vibe from Pidge that I shouldn't date you. I don't think Hunk or Lance would really care. I've only known Keith for a week." Shiro said.

"Takashi," Matt said, "They're our friends. You already came out to them."

"But it's you. Pidge is super protective over you and...What if they get mad. I don't want to lose Allura. She's an amazing friend and everyone else..." Shiro trailed off.

"Listen. They aren't going to care if we're dating. They're just going to be pissed that we've hidden it for six months." Matt said. Shiro laughed.

"Yeah. Let's just get back to movies. Keith could be home any minute. I should probably put my Shirt back on." Shiro said. He looked like he was going to stand up but Matt pulled him back onto the couch.

"No! Keith will call when he comes home. You're going to stay and we're going to watch more movies." Matt said.

"Ok. I'll stay if you pick the movie." Shiro said.

"Fine. I think the Pokemon movie is on Hulu." Matt said.

"Pokemon? Wow, Matt your such a nerd Matt." Shiro said. Matt shot him a look.

"But I'm your nerd," Matt said. Shiro smiled.

"Yeah, you are. Now get over here and help me. This popcorn isn't going to eat itself." Shiro said. Matt scooted closer to Shiro and they turned on the movie.

As shocked as I was I decided not to confront them. It was there secret and I probably shouldn't just expose them like that. I quietly snuck back out the house and made my way back to the truck.

I left my phone in the car. I didn't want it going off while I was sneaking up on Shiro. When I got back in the truck I had a text from Lance.

💙Sexy Boi💙- Hey, I'm on my way back.

I texted him back.

Me- I was going to go home but I...discovered something. Meet me @ Burger King?

In Just A Week // Trans Klance FicWhere stories live. Discover now