New School

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The next morning Shiro woke me up.

That's right, it's Monday. The first day of school.

"Five more minutes Shiro," I complained, rolling over. He pulled one of my headphones off my ear.

I had the blankets protectively wrapped around my chest to hide the annoying tumors that were given to me with my birth-assigned gender. I didn't typically sleep with my binder on, it was bad to sleep with it on because it caused chest pains. In the few cases when I did sleep with it on I had woken up with chest pains and constricted breathing. 

"Come on. If you hurry, I'll buy you coffee." Shiro said. I guess he knew all the right words because as soon as I heard coffee I jumped out of bed and went to my dresser, Shiro leaving me.

I ended up wearing my usual outfit. A pair of black skinny jeans, which I packed with a couple of socks, dark gray short sleeve t-shirt, red boots, and my signature red and white cropped bomber jacket.

In the corner of the room was a simple black backpack full of school supplies. I slipped my sketchbook inside of it. Then I grabbed my phone and earbuds and went downstairs. Shiro waited for me at the door. I followed him out and he got into a black pick up truck. I sat shotgun.

On our way to school, he bought us coffee. I got a peppermint mocha, despite it being September. Shiro got a Caramel mocha and an Iced tea. When I asked him about the iced tea he simply said,

"It's for one of my friends."

When we pulled up to the school a girl with white hair, blue eyes, and dark skin waved at us, or rather Shiro. We walked over to her. Shiro handed her the Iced Tea.

"Hello, Shiro. Had a nice summer?" She asked she had a distinct British accent.

"Yeah, I did. Allura, this is my brother Keith, Keith this is my friend Allura." Shiro said. I shook Allura's hand.

"Nice to meet you Allura," I said.

"Likewise," Allura said.

"Where are the others?" Shiro asked Allura.

"I saw Pidge earlier. She wants us to all meet in the library. Haven't seen Lonce or Hunk yet. And Coran graduated last year." Allura said. Shiro nodded. They both walked into the school. I followed awkwardly, I was used to being the third wheel, that is when I did hang out with people.

Once we got to the library we went to a table in the back, where a short girl with light brown hair, brown eyes, and big glasses that reminded me of Harry Potter. She was hunched over a laptop with a pair of green headphones on. Shiro and Allura sat down next to her. I sat next to Shiro awkwardly. I didn't bother to check my phone. I had no friends to text anyways.

The girl, who I assumed was Pidge, didn't notice us.

"Pidge," Shiro said. Nothing.

"Pidge!" He repeated. She looked up and glared at Shiro.

"I'm trying to get into the school's system to change my schedule, I am not taking gym again," Pidge said. Shiro rolled his eyes.

"Talk to the counselor." He suggested. This time Pidge rolled her eyes.

"Don't even get me started on the counselor." She muttered. Then she saw me.

"Who's this? New kid?" She asked.

"He's my new brother," Shiro said. Pidge held out a hand.

"I'm Katie Holt. But everyone calls me Pidge." Pidge said. I shook her hand.

"Keith, Keith Ko-" I started to say my birth last name but I stopped myself. Did Shiro's family want me to use their last name? All my other families didn't think I deserved to take their last name. Did they want me to be Keith Shirogane?

"Just Keith," I said. Pidge nodded.

"Guys! We're all having a movie night at my house! This Friday. For the new school year. And for Shiro's brother. So he can get to know us." Pidge said excitedly. She was very loud for such a small person.

"Can't wait. I'll have to see if Coran can come. He's so busy with college. My poor cousin." Allura said. Shiro smiled.

"Well, don't pressure him. I doubt he wants to hang out with a bunch of high-schoolers." Shiro said. They began to talk about people I didn't know, I tried my best to follow along. 

I had been listening to their conversation for a while when I realized how I was sitting, legs crossed in the what people would call a stereotypical 'Girl's pose'.  As soon as I realized it I unfolded my legs and spread them out, possibly too far because Shiro had noticed and commented, 

"Close your legs a little man, I don't think skinny jeans are supposed to be stretched that much like that." I nodded, embarrassed and closed my legs a bit. 

Allura was about to say something but was cut off by the doors to the library slamming open.

"LANCEY LANCE IS IN DA HOUSE!" Said a tall, what I was guessing was Hispanic, male. He had blue eyes and brown hair he wore a green jacket and blue jeans. Next to him was a bigger guy with an orange headband. I didn't pay attention to him much because I was too busy watching the boy. He was gorgeous. His eyes sparkled. And his smile was beautiful.

The librarian shushed him. He rolled his eyes.

I noticed he was walking towards us. I pulled my attention back to Pidge. Please tell me he wasn't walking this way.

Then Shiro said something that made things even worse.

"Lance we're over here," Shiro said waving at the boy.

Oh no, oh no, oh no.

The boy, Lance, sat across from us, flipping the chair backward and resting his arms on the back of the chair. The other guy sat down next to him. I avoided eye contact. But he wasn't looking at me anyways.

"Hey. How was everyone's summer?" The guy in yellow asked. Shiro was about to answer when Lance interrupted him.

"Well, my summer was great. I went back to Cuba for a bit. Relaxed on the beach. A lot of chicks. I swear I got like twenty numbers this year." Lance said. Oh, he was that kind of guy. This made me like him less. Or I wish it did.

"Are you going to actually call any of them ladykiller?" Pidge asked.

"Pfft. Are you crazy? I'm not going to do the whole long distance thing." Lance said. Then he saw me.

"Who's the girl with the mullet?" He asked. How did he know!?

I was about to freak out when Shiro said something.

"This is my new brother," Shiro said. Lance smirked.

"He looks like a newborn. Except babies are actually cute." Lance said. I clenched my fists.

"He's my foster brother idiot," Shiro said, as he hit Lance in the head with a book.

"I'm Hunk and this is Lance." Said the bigger guy with the headband.

"I'm the cool one. What's your name Mullet?" Lance said.

"It's not a Mullet," I said through gritted teeth.

"Whatever. What's your name?" Lance asked again.

"Why should I tell you!?" I said, my anger rising.

"Because I asked you, Mullet!" Lance said standing up, challenging me.

"I'm not going to answer to a jerk!" I said standing up, matching his challenge. We stared at each other in the eye. He smirked. I pushed away from the table storming out of the library.

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