Old Compitition

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We made it to the third period on time. Keith was really quiet the whole period. I, on the other hand, was talking to Pidge and Hunk.

"So where'd you get that shiner?" Hunk asked.

"Probably fell down the stairs again. Or ran into a pole, he does that a lot." Pidge said.

"No, Keith and I got into a fight in art. You think this is bad you should see him." I said. Keith, who sat in front of us turned around.

"Yeah, I have a lot fewer bruises than you do," Keith said.

"Shut up mullet," I said. He rolled his eyes and turned back around.

"Why did you fight," Hunk asked.

"Doesn't matter," I said. I don't know why, but I didn't mention anything about his parents or sister. I knew the only reason why that asshole Zarkon brought it up was bug Keith since Keith outsmarted him. I also felt like Keith wouldn't appreciate me telling people without him saying I could.

"Did the principal threaten to suspend you?" Pidge asked.

"Zarkon gave us detention that was it. For the rest of the week." I said.

"Wow, how did you pull that off?" Pidge asked.

"I was just quick with my words," I said.

"Keith did something didn't he?" Hunk said.

"Hey! I can convince Zarkon to lay off." I said.

"No, you can't. He suspended you last year for bringing a knife to school. And when you said it was for a school project, he suspended you an extra day." Pidge said I glared at her.

"What do you have next?" Hunk asked.

"Boys Weight Training. You guys?" I asked.

"Same." Hunk said.

"I have Advanced Computer Apps." Pidge said, "Maybe if I hack into the teacher's computer, it will be enough to get me out of that class. I already know everything they teach."

"Let's refrain from breaking the school rules until after the first month." Hunk said. Then he looked at me. "Again."

The rest of the class was easy. It was the whole 'Welcome to my class. This is what we will be doing this year. Blah blah blah, don't forget to get this signed by your parents so you can go on the field trip next week.'

As he passed out the permission form I forged my parents signature, it was much easier than simply asking them. Hunk and Pidge didn't seem to notice. But Keith did. He looked at me, then the paper. Then shook his head and rolled his eyes.

The bell rang. Hunk and I went to the boy's locker room and began to change into our gym clothes. We went over what to do in orientation last week before school started. So we were ready in seconds. Mr. Grace was a nice teacher, but he was strict. He wouldn't allow anyone to be late. So after Hunk and I were dressed, we went to the weight room.

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