Halloween Store

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Keith went to bed after Shiro made food. I was going to go up and check on him but I wasn't sure how the others would react to it.

"Hey, we need to start talking about Keith's birthday," Shiro said.

"Oh yeah. Why did we wait four days before to plan this." Hunk said.

"Because we aren't smart," I said.

"You aren't smart," Pidge said.

"I said we, not I," I said. Pidge rolled her eyes.

"Ok. I have a plan." Allura said, "We need a cake, Hunk you're in charge of that."

Hunk nodded.

"Ok. Decoration. Lance and I can take care of." She said.

"Pidge, Shiro is going to take you and Matt shopping for presents and stuff. You guys are in charge of wrapping stuff." She continued.

"And now for location." She said. She looked at Shiro. Before he could say anything I cut in.

"We could do it at my place," I said.

"What? Why?" Pidge asked.

"Think about it. No parents. It's small enough that we don't have to buy too many decorations. And he likes my kittens." I said.

"What about our parents?" Shiro asked.

"Well, you said that your grandma was leaving Tuesday morning so you're having the party Monday night. You guys have your party. Then I'll invite him over after school Tuesday to see the cats and boom! Surprise party. I'll skip swimming that day to help." I said. The others nodded.

"That could work." Allura said, "Ok. I'll be at your house to clean on Sunday. There's no way I'm going to have a party at your place without cleaning up first."

"Hey! I'm a teen living alone what do you expect!?" I said.

"Oh shut up. You use that excuse every time." Pidge said.

"Because it still applies!" I complained.

"Whatever." She said.

"Ok. And everyone needs to go out and buy your own gifts as well. We'll have Shiro, Matt, and Pidge buy the group gifts but you need your own too." Allura said. We all nodded.

"Hey Shiro, ima use your upstairs bathroom, Hunk's taking too long down here," I said.

"Yeah go ahead. You don't have to announce it though." Shiro said. I turned to everyone.

"Attention everyone. I am about to take a shit in the upstairs bathroom. I will spray the air freshener but I would not use that bathroom for a while." I announced. Shiro rolled his eyes. I smiled and walked upstairs.

Of course, I wasn't actually going to the bathroom I was saying Good night to Keith but they didn't need to know that.

I quietly opened the door to his room and slowly shut it behind me. Keith was curled up in his blankets like a little kitten. It was cute enough that I snapped a picture.

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