The Weekend

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The week went by really fast. Al wasn't as bad as he was the first day he found out. All I had to do was do his homework, buy him lunch every once and awhile, not talk back, and pretty much just be a punching bag for him when he got pissed off.

Today was Friday. Which meant at 7 o clock tonight we would all meet up at Pidge's house to have a sleepover. But that wasn't for a couple hours. I, unfortunately, was still at school. Lance had skipped detention to go to baseball practice, as Zarkon hadn't shown up again. And I was in the locker room listening to Al vent his frustrations via fist to stomach.

It wasn't the worst I've endured so I just accepted it. He was yelling about some girl he liked that he couldn't date or something. I was almost positive he was talking about Allura but I had no idea. I was pretty much just blocking him out. That was until I felt his fist connect with my face.

I stumbled backward.

"Are you even listening trannie?" Al asked.

"Yes. You have a crush on Allura but you can't ask her out because she doesn't like you." I said. Under my breath, I said, "I can see why she thinks that."

My face stung. Al sighed.

"You know Keithy, you've been pretty good today. I'm going to be a nice person and let you go home earlier. But if you don't do my history homework I might reconsider next week." Al said. I nodded, got up and moved quickly out of the Lockerroom.

I was tempted to stay and watch Shiro and Lance at practice but I decided against it. If Shiro saw me he would have known I wasn't at detention and he might have asked where I was before. It was just easier to pretend like I had gone home after detention.

Mae greeted me with a hug and a plate of cookies.

"Here, I had some left over from the bake sale." She said. I recalled her mentioning something about a bake sale during dinner but I wasn't really paying attention.

I nodded and thanked her.

"I have to go into town so you're on your own tonight until you guys go to the Holts," Mae said.

"Okay," I said.

"I left a little cash in your room as an allowance. You'll get it every Friday. Just be sure you unload the dishwasher before you go to your sleepover." Mae said. She gave me a hug then grabbed her keys and left.

I went into my room, turned on my music, and did homework. I had already finished Al's homework when I got a text from Pidge.

Gremlin: Remember were all meeting at my place at 7. You know the address?

Me: Yeah, Shiro gave it to me

Gremlin: Ok. Just know that I am going to kick your ass at Mario Cart.

Me: We'll see ;)

I got up and started to pack a small overnight bag. As I went in to grab my toothbrush out of the bathroom something in the mirror caught my eye. Or rather I caught my eye in the mirror. There was a large bruise starting to form around my eye.

It was because he hit me. I realized.

I quickly ran into my room looking for any makeup I had that I could cover it up with, but of course, I had gotten rid of all of the makeup before I moved into the Shirogane household.

I quickly grabbed my wallet, my sunglasses, the keys to my bike and headed out the door.

While I was shopping on Monday I had spotted an Ulta Beauty near to the Ross I was shopping at.

In Just A Week // Trans Klance FicWhere stories live. Discover now