New Stuff

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When I got home Mae was cleaning around the house.

"Welcome home Keith, how was your first day?" She asked.

"It was ok. I got in a small fight, but we figured it out." I said, "Where is Lee?"

She smiled, "He's working. He doesn't get off until 6. We're having Tacos tonight. If you don't want any I can make you something else." Mae said.

"Tacos sound perfect," I said. She smiled. Then handed me something. It was money.

"I noticed your room needed some decor, here's a little spending money so you can make it your own." She said.

"R-really? You're serious? You're giving me money to spend on me?" I stuttered. No one had ever given me money for me.

"Of course, I wouldn't just let your room be empty like that. You deserve a nice room just like anyone else in this family." Mae said.

"That's the nicest thing a family has ever done for me." I said, awkwardly. She pulled me in for a hug.

"Your welcome son." She said. She handed me the keys to her car.

"You have your license right?" She asked. I nodded.

"Just be back before 6:30 alright?" She said.

"I will," I said. Then I walked out the door.

I went to 3 different stores, found some posters and other stuff. When I finished it was only five thirty. Hmm. One hour to kill.

My phone vibrated.

Shiro- Hey, mom said you had the car can you pick me up practice is over.

I texted him back.

Me-Sure, be there in a second.

I pulled out of Wal-Mart and drove to the school.

When I got to the school Shiro was waiting for me out front.

"What took you so long?" He asked as he got into the car.

"I was at the store when you texted me," I said.

Shiro nodded.

"How did practice go?" I asked.

"Really good. Although it would be better if we had Lance with us." Shiro said.
"How was shopping?" Shiro asked.

"It was good," I said.

"How was your first day?" He asked.

"It was ok. Not a lot of homework which is good." I said. Shiro nodded.

"Lucky, seniors got a lot of homework." He said.

When we got home I took my stuff to my room and started to decorate. It actually looked good when I finished.

"Wow, looks pretty good. I might have you decorate my room too." Shiro said from the doorway. He laughed. I laughed nervously.

"Yeah..." I said awkwardly. He smiled.

"Mom said dinners ready." He said. I nodded and walked to the dining room with him.

After dinner, I decided to hang with Shiro for a bit. His room was simple, queen size bed in the corner, TV with a couple gaming consoles, a desk in the corner, a few baseball posters, and a large frame filled with pictures of Pidge, Hunk, Allura, Lance, Matt, and a ginger guy with a mustache who I assumed was Coran, Allura's cousin.

In Just A Week // Trans Klance FicWhere stories live. Discover now