Gay Interrupted

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I can't say that I wasn't attracted to Lance. Heck, my first day I was practically drooling when I saw him. His personality was a little different, but he cared about his friends more than anything. He was a bit self-centered sometimes. And there were times where he was just a complete asshole. But that was Lance.

So as you can imagine I was very conflicted when he kissed me. He was my rival right? We weren't supposed to like each other. Then again, he knew more about my fucked up past than anyone. And he still accepted me. What would he think when he found out about how my parents died? How it was my fault.

With all of this going through my head I couldn't focus on any one thing going on. I didn't notice when Lance pulled away. I didn't notice Hunk walk over. I didn't notice class had ended.

I didn't even notice us walking back to the locker room. Or me changing back into my normal clothes. Or even going to lunch. In fact, I didn't even register anything that was happening around me until someone slapped me.

"Ow! Hey. What was that for!?" I complained. Pidge, Matt, Shiro, Allura,  Hunk, and Lance all stared at me.

"You've been dead since the end of gym class!" Hunk complained.


"You literally haven't done anything or said anything since I came out to get you and Lance from the baseball field at the end of class. You were just standing there. Not even doing or saying anything. We practically had to drag you back to the locker room. Then Lance had to open your locker for you and help you get in the stall. You changed by yourself them we had to drag you to lunch." Hunk explained.

"Oh...I guess I spaced out. Sorry guys. Wait. How did you know my locker combo?" I asked Lance. He laughed nervously.

"Haha....lucky guess...?" He said.

"He snapped a picture of your combo before he gave you the lock." Hunk said. I shot Lance a look, then turned back to the group.

"What happened that made you space out?" Shiro asked.

"Just..." I glanced at Lance, if he was feeling emotions at the moment he wasn't showing it. We locked eyes for a second. But only a second.

"Thinking about baseball," I said slowly.

"Yeah." Lance added, "I was showing him how to play."

"Really? Is he any good? We need a new person on the team since we booted Al." Shiro asked. Lance laughed.

"No. We were out there during class and he didn't hit a single one I threw." Lance said.

"That's because you yelled 'Put your ass into it Kogane!' Over and over again after I couldn't hit any." I said, doing my best impression of Lance.

"Hey! I'll have you know that is top advice from a professional. Maybe if you took my advice you would have hit one." Lance said.

"We've already been through this Lance. I'm not having this argument again." I said.

"Whatever you're just jealous that you're not good at baseball," Lance said. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah. I'm totally jealous. I just really wish I could be you, Lance." I said sarcastically.

"I'm sorry you can't be this fabulous." Lance fake apologized.

"Whatever," I mumbled before going back to my lunch. Which was another thing I didn't realize I got.

"Geez, you guys argue like an old married couple," Pidge complained.

"Shut up Pidge!" Lance said, glaring daggers at the shorter girl. She simply flipped the bird and went back to her computer.

In Just A Week // Trans Klance FicWhere stories live. Discover now