Slumber Party

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(There's a bit of a time skip here so don't be confused. I just didn't want to be on the second week for 26 chapters.)


It was a little over a month after Keith and I's coffee date thing. Or when we confessed to each other anyway. We had a couple of dates since then. I took him to my favorite Mexican restaurant. We walked in the park. We went to eat a few times. We aren't officially boyfriends yet, and we haven't told anyone yet but I think we're getting there.

It was about four days before Keith's birthday. He has seemed upset the last few days or more upset than usual anyway. He hardly talks, he doesn't really listen to anyone, and he's really sluggish. It's like he hasn't slept in a couple of days or something.

We were sitting in the first period. It was Friday so even though it was early in the morning people were ready for the weekend. Maybe it was because Halloween was twelve days away. The teacher was giving us the typical Halloween topics for this time of year. I thought they stopped doing stuff like that in elementary school but I guess not. Maybe this teacher was just old-fashioned.

"Hey, Keith," I whispered.


"Are you ok? You've been acting weird lately."

"It's nothing. I'll tell you later." He said.

"Ok," I said. I made sure nobody was looking before planting a small kiss on his cheek.

"We could go out and get something to eat if you want. Maybe get dinner then we can watch movies at my place." I suggested.

"Its Friday, we have the big friend sleepover thing we do every week. This week it's at Shiro and I's place." He said.

"Ok. How about on Saturday we go to the Halloween stores and get a costume. We've only got like a week and a half until Halloween. Don't want to wait too long before all the good costumes are gone." I said. He frowned.

"You still dress up for Halloween?" He asked. I nodded enthusiastically.

"Yeah! Allura and Coran always have this awesome party at there place. It's huge. Everyone is there. Sometimes kids from other towns go! One time someone from Canada flew in to go. Allura throws the best parties. She's got this huge house. It's the best. And everyone dresses up." I explained.

"I'm not into the whole dressing up thing. Or Halloween in general." He said.

"Yeah, but this is your first Allura party. You have to go. She hardly ever throws them. Only like twice a year. And the end of the year one is too far away. I want to go to the party with you." I whined.

"Everybody will see us." He complained.

"They'll be too drunk to notice," I said.

"I'm guessing Al will be there. You did say, everyone. I don't want Al to see me there." He said. I frowned. I really wanted to go to this party with Keith. Maybe even see drunk Keith. Then I had an idea.

"Wait. Maybe if Keith doesn't want to go, maybe someone who looks a lot like you will." I whispered. Keith frowned.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

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