Facing Reality

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I knew I shouldn't have come here.

I knew I couldn't handle the guilt. Every other time I had driven out here to run away I had never gotten past the old oak tree.

I thought I'd be able to handle it.

But as soon as I reached the doorway I crumpled to the floor.

I stayed that way for an hour.

The tears dried. I had none left.

That was it. It had to be eleven at night, still Saturday somehow.

This was the fastest I had ever been discovered. I finally had friends, a family I liked, even my own room....but that would be all gone now. Gay is one thing but when they went to foster they were looking for another real son, not a transgender son.

I could hear the whispers of my Mother.

"Kathy." She called.

"I'm not Kathy anymore." I cried.

"Kathy." She called again.

"Stop!" I pleaded.

"Kathy!" Her voice rang again.

"N-No....please!" I begged.

"Keith!" I heard. It didn't sound like his mother. It was male. Maybe his father?

"I'm so sorry!" I cried.

"Keith!" The voice called again. I curled up in a ball at the base of the stairs, unable to move or speak anymore.

"Keith!" It rang.

No, Leave me be.


Leave me here alone.


Leave me here to die.

Footsteps sounded from the porch.

"K-Keith...?" The voice sounded hesitant as if it didn't know if it should be saying, Keith or Kathy.

Let me die here.

Keith heard footsteps again. When they reached him they halted.

"K-Keith?" The voice sounded almost human.

He felt a hand on his back, rubbing circles. His mother rubbed the same pattern in the same place when he was sick.

"M-Mom...?" I asked. Maybe she didn't die. Maybe she forgave me.

"No Keith." The voice said.

"Dad?" I asked.

"No." The voice seemed distant.

In Just A Week // Trans Klance FicWhere stories live. Discover now