Kittens and Whiskers

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When I woke up I surprisingly didn't feel sick. I mean, when I usually go to the house I feel sick for a few days but this time I didn't.

I also was confused. This wasn't my bed. I'm not sure how I remember going to the house but I don't remember not going home. I opened my eyes and saw plastic glow in the dark stars stuck to the ceiling above me.

On the wall there were various pictures of my friends, including myself. The walls were a dark navy blue. The thing that made me realize whose room it was, was the Nicki Minaj poster above a small desk.

Yep, I was in Lance's room.

But the question was, where was Lance. That's when I saw next to the bed was a small nightstand with a note on it.


Had to deal with some family issues. Should only be gone for three or four hours. You can stay here or go home. If you decide to stay make yourself at home. I'll call you when I'm on my way back.


I got up and walked around the room. And no, I wasn't snooping I was simply looking at all the things he had in his room. Ok, maybe I was snooping a little.

He had a bookshelf with a few books on space, surfing, and a large book with Beyonce on the cover. He really liked his Beyonce, didn't he?

It was also covered in small knick-knacks. Like small snow globes, a model rocket ship, an old can of soda, and other clutter. There was an acoustic guitar in the corner of his room and what looked like a surfboard poking out of the closet.

His wall was covered in posters and pictures of his friends and who I assumed was his family. There was a large picture of about 20 people. At the far right, there was a small boy with tanned skin, brown hair, and big blue eyes. It was clearly Lance. He was about 6 or 7 in the picture. Two people stood over him. A woman and a man, probably his parents, both in their mid-thirties. The woman was short and had a bit of weight. She had black hair that was in a messy bun. Lance must have gotten a lot of traits from her because their faces were similar. Including their eyes. The man had dark brown hair and brown eyes. He was tall and fairly muscular. He had a slight mustache. The rest of the family had similar appearances. They all looked happy. Maybe a family reunion. In the next picture, Lance was a few years older, looking about 12 or 13. He sat around a table with his mom and another girl. The girl looked exactly like him, except she was about two years younger. Her hair was messy and went down just past her shoulders. She looked strong. Like she could beat me up even though I was 7 years older than her. There was a birthday cake in front of her with messy blue frosting. My guess was that Lance probably made it. In messy frosting-writing the words
Happy Birfday Soph! Were written on the cake.

Written at the bottom of the picture in black marker was Sophia's Birthday. The date was about 4 years ago. Pictures of this Sophia girl were everywhere. I'm not stupid enough to assume it's his girlfriend. She was clearly his sister. They were practically identical. But none of them seemed recent. Maybe he had gotten in a fight with her. Was that why he lived by himself. Because he got in a fight with his parents and family? Is that was he was taking care of today? Or did this have to do with his grandma?

I wanted to text him but my phone was dead. I walked out into the living room and saw the two small kittens they had rescued from his parent's old house.

Maybe I should take them to the vet. Make sure they're ok. They seemed fine. Both taking naps on the couch. I picked them both up and decided to take them to the vet. I was still wearing my jeans, one of Lance's shirts, and his jacket. My wallet was in my pants pocket. So was my phone. The keys to my bike and Shiro's truck were on the kitchen counter. I grabbed both sets but decided to take the truck so the kittens didn't have to ride in the small helmet compartment of my bike. Plus my bike was still in the back of the truck and I wasn't sure if I could get it myself.

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