*Flashback 2.0*

478 19 13

2 years ago
3rd Person

"Keith, come on, we've been dating for two weeks and I haven't even seen you shirtless yet."

A boy, about 16, stood with another boy the same age.

One had long dark black hair, grayish-purple looking eyes, and light skin, that looked like it hadn't seen sunlight in years. He was short and wore dark clothing despite it being summer.

The other was taller. He had short brownish red hair and a surfers tan. He stood shirtless in a pair of swimming trunks.

"Jason. I told you I'm just...self conscious. I always swim with my shirt on." Keith said.

"Yeah, but I wanted to try something. And you sort of need to not have a shirt for it." Jason said.

"What could you possibly want to do that doesn't require a shirt?" Keith asked, rolling his eyes.

"Well, I'd prefer if we had no clothes but you won't take your socks off in front of me, so I doubt you'd take your pants off," Jason said.

"Jason, we're only sixteen. We can't be doing stuff like that." Keith said.

"So, all the other kids do it. Plus, were both dudes. It's not like either of us will get pregnant." Jason said. Keith shifted from foot to foot nervously.

"I'm just not ready Jason. You've been my friend for a long time. And you know I trust you but...this is different." Keith said slowly. Jason frowned but nodded.

"Its okay Keith, I understand. Maybe in a couple months or so. But can't I at least swim shirtless with my boyfriend?" Jason asked.

"I...um...um..." Keith stuttered.

"Listen to Keith. I know about the scars. I'm not going to judge you." Jason said.

"Scars?" Keith asked confused.

"You don't have to pretend Keith. I always sort of figured you have cuts because of the clothing you wear and stuff." Jason said, sitting at the edge if the pool.

In Just A Week // Trans Klance FicWhere stories live. Discover now