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Al dragged me to his car, a red beat up '93 Ford pickup, the driver seat looked like a whale had stretched it out.

We drove for a while, past my house, passed Lance's house, even passed the school. Where was he taking me?

We stopped in an abandoned junkyard. He drove far enough in that you wouldn't be able to see us from the other side of the huge fence that surrounded the junkyard.

"You know, I really wish you didn't let your lover get involved. Now things are all messed up." Al said.

He got out of the car and walked to my side. I was tempted to lock the car and drive away, leaving him in this junkyard, which I assumed was his home because he looked and smelled just like it.

He opened the door and pulled me out of the truck so hard I stumbled to the ground. He grabbed me by my hair and punched me right in the face.

"You know how much I hate messing up that pretty little face don't you Keithy?" He said as he punched again and again and again.

Just went I thought I was done and was sure my other eye was now bruised as well, I started to get up.

"Oh, you thought it was over. No no no, we're just getting started. He went to the back of his truck and pulled out a baseball bat.

"I wanted to show my gratitude for getting me on the team." He said, grinning maliciously.

He walked towards me slowly, as if savoring the fear in my eyes.

Once he stood above me he got ready to swing, the bat raised. I closed my eyes and braced for impact, but it never came. I heard a loud thump. And what felt like a shoe hitting the back of my head. I slowly started to black out, but not before seeing a tall brunette standing over me.


I woke up on a large couch in an unfamiliar place. There was an ice pack on the side of my face. I started to sit up but winced in pain. What happened?

I remembered the mall, seeing Al,
Al took me to a junkyard, then-

"Hey, you're awake!" Said a familiar Cuban boy. Lance walked out of what looked like a kitchen and sat on a chair that was pulled up beside the couch I was in. He lifted the ice pack slowly.

"It's not that bad. You don't need to go to the hospital or anything. You might have a minor concussion from him kicking you though. He said. His face serious as he checked on several cuts and scrapes on my face and arms.

I stayed silent.

"How long has he been doing this?" Lance asked, focusing his big blue eyes on me. Staring into them made me want to forget all the pain and loss I had endured and swim in his two oceans forever.

"This was the firs-"

"Please don't lie Keith. I know you bought concealer to cover up a bruise." He said. I looked away ashamed.

"I..." I started to say, but then I noticed something. I was wearing different clothes. My shirt replaced by one that was too big to be my own.

In Just A Week // Trans Klance FicWhere stories live. Discover now