New Years

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Christmas at the Shiroganes was definitely different than Christmas with my other families. Not all of my families were bad. I even liked a couple of them but Christmas the most I usually got was clothes, school supplies, or a something that was for the whole family. One year a family I had got me a trampoline just so I would put it together. And after that, it suddenly wasn't just my trampoline anymore. It was the "Family Trampoline". But that wasn't that bad. It was still a trampoline after all.

The house was decorated nicely, with lights all over the living room. And stockings hung on the wall because they didn't have a fireplace. Shiro and I wore matching Santa hats. Mae also bought us holiday PJs. Normally I wouldn't wear PJs but they were fuzzy pants with cute little hippos on it with Santa hats. Mae really did know me well. Shiro had ones with little penguins on them. We ended up taking several pictures of us in our PJs and putting them on our Snapchats, which got positive feedback from our friends, and jokes and criticism from Pidge.

Shiro had gotten me an iTunes card and new headphones. I also got several other things from our parents but it didn't matter. It was nice to have a Christmas with people that really cared about me. Unfortunately, Matt had to stay with Pidge and their family. And Lance had to work. Matt and I had become closer since the Halloween party. We talked quite a bit when he came over with Shiro.

Everyone else had family things they had to do. Allura and Coran were out of town with family. Hunk got to meet his internet Girlfriend for the first time in person. And Lotor was busy.

I wanted to stop by and say hi to Lance at work but he was super busy and Bianca was picking him up afterward. Apparently, they had a tradition in the McClain Family for Christmas. They would all spend Christmas at their Abuela's house. But because her house was sold after she died they changed it to Bianca and Javi's parent's house because they had the biggest house in the family.

Plus, being with just Shiro's family was good enough.

We watched several old, cheesy Christmas movies like Elf, Frosty the snowman, and Santa Clause 3. Which, in my opinion, was the best Santa Clause movie mainly because Martin Short hits Tim Allen in the face with a shovel. Always makes me laugh.


The sleepover was as crazy as usual. The only difference between this one and other ones was that none of us had seen Lance since before Christmas so he was getting gifts from all of us. Pidge and Matt got him a new video game that he had been wanting for a while. Allura got him some new makeup stuff. Shiro got him hair care stuff and a new Shakira poster. Hunk got him some foodstuff.

"What did the mullet get me?" He asked. I handed him a large box.

"Here," I said.

He opened it and pulled out a white and blue motorcycle helmet. Identical to the one he got me, except his, had his own name on it and on the back it said,

Sexy Boi

And on the side, it said, LadyKiller.

"I figured my old one wasn't that nice and you got me mine so I got you one to match," I said. He smiled.

"It's awesome! Thanks, Keith!" He said, giving me a half hug.

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