Birthday Party

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Monday went by too quick. I had bought everyone coffee, so giving Keith one wasn't suspicious. Everyone, with an exception of Pidge, all paid me back. Which I was grateful for because I needed to be able to make next month's rent.

The rest of the day flew by. Shiro sent Snapchats of Keith's birthday party at their house. Of course, Shiro wasn't very good at Snapchat so most of the videos were him zooming in on a chair or the floor.

We weren't invited to his family party. Mainly because it was Family only. I was going to make the argument that I was technically family but I didn't. We would have his actual party on his actual birthday and on top of that, it was at my apartment. And Shiro's parents agreed to let them stay over for the night on a school night. Matt and Pidge could too. Allura, Coran, and Hunk, unfortunately, couldn't.

The only eventful thing that happened on Monday, aside from Dads awful Snapchats, was at the end of the day. I had decided to suck up my pride, which was nearly impossible, and invite Lotor. He was one of Keith's friends after all. And the way Keith talked about him made it seem like he had changed.

I had walked to his house after school and knocked on his door. His mom answered. She knew me. Luckily she still liked me. Now Lotor's dad....well he is the school principal. He's always hated me.

"He's on the back porch." She said. I nodded and thanked her.

I walked out to the back. He was sitting on a bench, scrolling through his phone.

"Can I sit?" I asked, pointing to the spot next to him. He flinched, obviously I was the last person he expected to see.

It was awkward. We both sat there, not saying anything.

"I...I guess I'm sorry for overreacting about the whole thing." I mumbled.

"I'm sorry for sleeping with Allura. Even if I was drunk." Lotor said.

Instantly we were like 2x better than we were. We were really close before we broke up. I may or may not have missed his friendship. Even if I did kind of hate his guts.

"How's Keith?" He asked.

"That's why I'm here. I was know since your friends...if you wanted to go to his birthday." I said, "But don't get any ideas! Keith and I are both taken."

"Yeah. He told me. Congrats." He said. He didn't sound bitter about it. He genuinely was congratulating us. Which wasn't exactly out of character for him but for some reason I didn't expect it.

"Thanks, Lotor," I said. We sat on the bench. I showed him some memes, be told me I was an idiot but laughed anyway.

"When is the party?" He asked.

"After school tomorrow. My place." I said. He nodded.

"I'll be there. As long as you don't have any expensive croissants in your fridge." He said.

"Looking back on it, it was dumb of me to get mad about that," I admitted.

"Oh my God. Did Lance McClain just apologize to me?" He asked. I punched him.

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