The Mall

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Once we were all ready we all met outside.

"So I can fit six in my truck." Shiro said, "The other three have to ride with Lance or Hunk or something."

"Actually Coran and I have to go to a family thing," Allura said. Shiro nodded.

"So then someone is going to have to ride alone." He said.

"I will, I can walk home and get my bike. I forgot my wallet anyways." Keith said.

"I'll go with you," I said. He raised an eyebrow.

"I forgot my wallet at home too," I said nervously, my face heating up slightly.

"Ok, so we'll walk to my house, get my wallet and bike then head to your place, then to the mall," Keith said. I nodded.

"Lead the way mullet," I said. He rolled his eyes and started walking.

"So you've been living by yourself since you were fifteen?" Keith asked, trying to make conversation.

"Yeah. Not something I like talking about." I said.

"Well, you're lucky you weren't put in the system. I wish I could live by myself." Keith said.

"My parents aren't dead. I just don't live with them." I said.

"Oh, sorry." He said.

"Why don't you like the system? Shiro's family is nice, do you not like them? Did you never have a nice family?" I asked.

"I've had decent families before. And I really like Shiro and his family I just know it won't last. They won't like what I am." He said quietly.

"Wait, you think they won't accept you because you're gay?" I asked. He paused for a minute, then reluctantly nodded.

"Dude, Shiro is Bi. He came out like three years ago. They aren't going to judge you based on your sexuality." I said. Keith smiled, but it wasn't genuine.

"Thanks, Lance." He said. We continued to walk until the Shirogane household came into view. Mrs. and Mr. Shirogane weren't home when we got there. I had been to Shiro's house multiple times. Shiro always had sleepovers at his house in middle school. I would always hide in the guest room closet for hide and seek. I assumed that the guest room now wad Keith's room.

The house looked no different than. It had three years ago. The rooms were all clean and neatly decorated. We walked upstairs and into what was formerly the guest room.

The room consisted mainly of black, gray, and red. There was a queen size bed with a gray comforter and red sheets, sitting next to a desk on one side and a bedside table on the other. On the other side of the room was a dresser next to the closet. The wall was painted gray. There were white shelves on the wall above his bed with a few books. His wall had several posters for bands he liked, all framed neatly. My Chemical Romance, Black Veil Brides, Panic! At The Disco, Falling In Reverse, Bring Me The Horizon, and several others.

"Wow, mullet. Nice room. You're pretty good at decorating." I said. He just nodded and grabbed his wallet out of the top drawer of his dresser.

I noticed his sketchbook on his desk. I picked it up and started looking through.

"Let's go." He said, grabbing his keys. He turned around then his eyes went wide.

"Don't touch that!" He said, quickly swiping the book from my now empty hands.

"What, they looked good. I like that one you did of Shiro." I said.

"Those are private." He said. I raised an eyebrow.

"Got some inappropriate stuff in there do ya?" I asked. He rolled his eyes.

"No, I just don't like people looking at it." He said.


" can learn a lot about someone from their drawings, or their writings, or their music. It's exposing a part of yourself that you've never exposed before, letting people see almost everything about you. It's....well...its difficult to willingly allow someone you know and care about see the side of you that you've hidden from everyone else in your life for so many years. If I were to show you my drawings...I would feel exposed like you just went inside my head and read every secret I had." Keith said. I never understood why people cared so much. I drew all the time and I always let people see. I'm only ok but still. I hardly ever hold back on stuff like that.

"Let's just get your wallet," Keith said. Then he pulled me outside and handed me the helmet to his bike.

"You remember where I live right?" I asked. He nodded. I wrapped my arms around his waist tightly, for fear of falling off and he started the bike.


We arrived at the mall about ten to fifteen minutes later. The others said they would meet us in front of Orange Julius so as soon as we walked in I guided us to the food court.

When we got there we didn't see any of our friends.

"Maybe Pidge made them stop at Gamestop again." I guessed. Keith nodded.

As we waited Keith bought us both smoothies. He said it was a thank you for the Dairy Queen earlier this week.

After six or seven minutes we saw Shiro, Hunk, Matt, and Pidge walking towards us. Matt and Pidge had several gaming store bags, Pidge carrying as much as her small arms could fit. Hunk had a couple baking tools from Bed, Bath, and Beyond. Shiro had a small bag, probably containing more eyeliner, from JCPenny.

"We're going to drop this off at the truck, why don't you show Keith around the mall. Hot topic is on the second floor." Shiro said.

"Ok, catch up with us there," I said. Shiro nodded and walked out with the other three, particularly sticking close to Matt. If I didn't know better I'd say there was something between them.

Keith started walking in the wrong direction, almost getting lost in the crowds of people.

"Lance?" I heard him say, as he looked around. I walked up to him and grabbed his hand.

"Geez, you're going to get lost. Just, come on idiot." I said, pulling him along with me heading to the nearest escalator. As we got on the escalator Keith tripped on a shoelace I caught him. We awkwardly stood, him between my arms as we rode the escalator.

"Well, that escalated quickly." I joked. Keith moved out of my grasp, his face red, and punched me.

"Sh-shut up." He said.

We continued to walk until the emo capital came into view. Keith pulled me behind him, as we were still holding hands to avoid losing each other. As they got to the entrance to the store our hands disconnected and he buried himself in the dark clothing.

A/N: So I just want to say this now, but I am not homophobic Trans-phobic or anything like that. Any Time there are mentions of homophobia/trans-phobia It is purely for storytelling purposes. I do not approve of any trans-phobia/homophobia. Please do not leave hate comments on that. There are plenty of other things to hate like my crappy writing.

So yeah. All the bullies and shit in this story, I do not approve of their behavior. They are just here for the sake of the story.

In Just A Week // Trans Klance FicWhere stories live. Discover now