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As soon as I got to my apartment I threw myself on the couch. Luckily the kittens were in my room and not on the couch. As soon as they heard me walk in they ran out of the room to greet me.

For being former barn cats they really liked me. Or just people in general. Hunk came over to feed them while I was at practice and he was still here when I got home before work.

Toby jumped on my stomach and rolled over, trying to get me to rub his tummy. And Sophia started chewing on my hair.

"Hey! Don't eat that. I use a lot fo expensive products to make that soft." I said, picking her up and putting her next to Toby.

I spent the next hour petting them.

"What am I going to do guys? I really like Keith and now I think I ruined everything." I said aloud. I got a couple what I was assuming was either encouraging mews or hungry mews.

I've never had a crush on anyone like this before. Well, that's a lie but it's never been this difficult. Usually, a couple picks up lines, get some dinner, maybe kiss if I have to and boom. I got a girlfriend...or a boyfriend. But no, the one guy I really really like has to be immune to all that. I even laid all my cards on the table by kissing him. I thought I had it. I mean, it really seemed like he liked me back. I mean he asked me to sleep in the same bed as him for god's sake! And he cuddled me! Like how else am I supposed to take those signs!?

Toby bit my hand, probably because I wasn't petting him anymore. Or maybe because I was complaining too much.

"I think I'll just sleep on it. Maybe call Bianca tomorrow. She always knows what to do with guys." I told the kittens. I got up and went to my room and went to bed.


I woke up the next morning an hour earlier than usual. Which is saying something because I usually get up early to do my face routine. I grabbed my phone and called someone.

"Hey, Primo! What's up?"

"B, I need your help. Get over here in ten minutes."

"I got Benji and Eli. They don't start daycare for a couple hours."

"Bring them too. I got kittens."

"Ok. I'll be there."

I hung up and went to get breakfast.


The door opened and Bianca walked in. The two boys went to play with the kittens.

"What is it, Primo?" She asked.

"I need you to make me beautiful. I want to make Keith jealous." I said.

"It will be difficult. But I can do it." She said.

"Ok. I think I've done it." Bianca said.

I walked to the full body mirror I had on my closet.

She had dressed me in a large blue sweatshirt that said 'Astro' on it with a couple starts. A pair of skinny jeans, and a light blue baseball hat which she put on backward. She had also done subtle makeup. It was so good that the girls down at Ulta would be impressed.

 It was so good that the girls down at Ulta would be impressed

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In Just A Week // Trans Klance FicWhere stories live. Discover now