Gay Teen In Disguise

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I made my way to the back, grabbing nearly every shirt I could get my hands on. I used to have a decent collection of clothes from here but over the years my siblings from different families stole what little clothing I had. Now that I didn't have to worry about a sibling stealing my things, or I hoped that I didn't have to worry about it, I was eager to remake my old collection.

I made my way through the store, grabbing shirts, hoodies, pants, a cup with pictures from supernatural on it, and a couple new nose piercings. Yes, my nose is pierced. Don't judge.

I saw Lance leaning on the counter talking to the girl behind it. She had short, green dyed hair with patches of red near the top of her head, Gage the size of a half dollar, three piercing on the top of her ear, a nose piercing, and two lip piercings. She wore merch that I had seen around the store and a hot topic beanie. She was the definition of a Hot Topic worker.

Lance casually leaned on the counter and tried to flirt with her. I rolled my eyes. Anyone who was willing to work here wouldn't be fooled by his charms.

I walked up to the counter and put the various items that I picked out. The girl immediately turned from Lance to help me.

"Did you find everything ok?" She asked me. I nodded.

"Great choices. I just bought this shirt yesterday." She added, holding up a new shirt from Sleeping With Sirens' newer album.

"You like these bands?" I asked. She nodded.

"Yeah, the only one I don't see in here is Green Day." She said.

"I already have the shirt you sell," I said. The girl smiled.

"Your total is $92.25. I think I have a 40% off coupon if you want it." She said. I smiled.

"That would be awesome," I said. She scanned a coupon.

"Ok, your total is now $54.75, do you have a hot topic rewards account?" She asked. I nodded, handed her the card and the cash.

She printed the receipt, scribbled something on it, then handed it to me with my change and my clothes in a bag. I grabbed my stuff, thanked her, and left. Lance followed me, gaping.

"How the fuck did you do that?" He asked.

"Do what?" I asked.

"Look at the receipt." He said. I pulled the paper out and saw a phone number scribbled on the paper.

Lance's face made me smile.

"Maybe she just liked me better," I said.

"I even used my best lines." He complained.

"I guess you just aren't as good as you think Ladykiller," I said.

"So, are you going to call her?" He asked, his tone serious.

"I might," I smirked. He frowned.

"But you're not even straight." He said.

"Wait...are you jealous?" I asked.

"What!? No! You can go out with whoever you want." Lance said.

"Oh my god, you are. You're jealous that she picked me over you aren't you?" I said. He scowled.

"That's not why I'm jealous." He said. I was about to ask what he meant when I saw Pidge holding up her phone taking a video of us.

In Just A Week // Trans Klance FicWhere stories live. Discover now