That's Just Life

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The rest of the day flew by. Before I knew it, Keith and I were sitting in detention. Mr. Zarkon was watching us.

Keith was reading silently. I tried to do some homework but couldn't focus, so pulled my phone out and went into the group chat.

I was kind of glad they couldn't see the names I gave them.


Marshmallow💛- Hey Lance how's detention?

Me- boring zarkon is here

Marshmallow💛- You should probably put your phone away then. He might take it away again.

Me- yeah last time he took it away he was only doing it to see those pictures of the girls in the locker room. I bet he sent them to himself.

Marshmallow💛- He's not that much of a creep.

Pidgeon💚- He is though. I hacked his computer last year, remember what we found.

Marshmallow💛- Oh yeah. That was gross.

Dad🖤- Lance, put your phone away before Zarkon takes it.

Zelda💖- So are we still on for movies at Pidge's this weekend?

Matte- As long as I can join

Pidgeon💚- Yeah, whatever Matt.

Matte- :)

Emo Trash❤- why did you add me to this group...

Me- your apart of the group now ;)

Dad🖤- you're a member of the family now.

Me- I got a member you can-

Emo Trash❤- I'm muting you.

I put my phone down and winked at Keith. He rolled his eyes and went back to his book.

I scrolled through Instagram and Facebook for a while. Then, when Zarkon said we could finally go home I left the classroom as soon as possible. I did wait for Keith.

Shiro's house was on the way to mine so I didn't mind walking with Keith.

" any siblings?" Keith asked trying to start a conversation. I hesitated. For me, that was a hard question.

"No. Just me," I said. Siblings were a difficult topic.

"What are your parents like?" He asked.

"They are amazing. I really like them both." I said, "What were your parents like...I mean before know." I added, eager to get the conversation off of my own parents.

Keith shot me a warning glance that said the topic was off limits.

"Sorry," I said. Keith nodded.

I noticed we were getting closer to Shiro's house. We didn't talk until we got to it.

"I'll see you tomorrow man," I said. Keith nodded, and walked up the porch and walked inside.

As soon as he was gone, dread filled my chest. I had to go home now. Home alone.

On my way, I checked my mail.
I walked up to my apartment and unlocked the door. It was dark. I didn't bother turning on the lights. The electricity bill came out of my pocket and rent on top of that cost a lot. I've considered getting a roommate but it's a one bedroom apartment.

As I walked into the kitchen I pressed play on my answering machine for my home phone as I flipped through my mail.

"You have one new message: Hey Lance, it's Sharon from Shady Oaks Old Folks Center. I wanted to inform you that your grandmother passed away this morning in her sleep. Please call us back at 555-555-5555, for details on the funeral date and other matters. We are so sorry for your loss. *BEEP* End of message."

I dropped my mail. Abeula was...dead? My Abuela was actually dead. I instantly called back.

"Shady Oaks Old Folks Center, this is Sharon."

"Hi Sharon, it's Lance."

"Oh, hello Lance. I'm so sorry for your loss. Your grandmother was a nice lady."

"It's...It's Ok. I just wanted to get the funeral arrangements taken care of. Then there's the matter of her will."

"We've taken care of most of the details regarding the funeral. The will, well it isn't much since she sold her house but she did leave you something. We want to do the funeral on Sunday morning. We need you to sign a couple of forms. We couldn't get sign them so we need you to."

"I understand. I'll be there tomorrow, I have work again tonight."

"Again, I am sorry for your loss."

"I know. Thank you for calling me."

"No problem. I'll see you tomorrow Lance." With that, I hung up.

She can't be dead, she just can't be.

I remember the last time I talked to her, only a year ago. Right after...the accident.

"Abuela, will she be all right?" I had asked her while sitting in the waiting room of Shady Oaks Hospital.

"I don't know Nieto, Sophia is strong but I don't think even she can survive this." My grandmother said.

Sophia, my little sister. My only sibling, she was only two years younger than me. Being 14 at the time. She got in a car accident with my mother and father. She was in a coma for 2 months before she died. But that was only part of what had happened.

I was shaken out of my memories when my phone went off. I answered it.

"Hey, Hunk."

"Hey, you want to hang out or something. My mom is out of town for a while."

"No, I have work again today. Maybe another time."

"You sound upset, what's wrong. Do you want me to make you some cookies or something?"

"Its nothing really. I just found out my Abeula died."

"What happened!?"

I explained to him what had happened.

After I finished I had to get off the phone and get ready for work.

I grabbed my keys and headed out the door.

In Just A Week // Trans Klance FicWhere stories live. Discover now