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Keith fell asleep on the car ride back. He curled up against the window with...wait a minute, is that my green jacket? I mean I gave it to him to use a while ago but forgot he still had it.

It was kind of cute how he cuddled up to it.

Yes, I said it. He was cute. And I'm not going to go back and be all like, oh I didn't mean that I don't like him. The truth was, I do like him a lot. Sure he had a temper but he was really sweet and let's face it, he was fuckin hot.

As for the trans thing, it didn't bother me at all. I like girls and guys. He looked like a guy and had the anatomy of a girl. That worked for me.

The kittens hadn't moved much in the back. I was worried they might die on the way home. Thankfully I had cat food and a litter box at home because I planned on taking my grandma's cat before she died. In her will, she apparently had left it with my cousins.


It was around 2 in the morning when we pulled up to my apartment building. Keith tried to walk up the stairs but kept missing the step.

"Here let me help, you're too tired," I said. I picked him up bridal style and carried him up the stairs. He leaned his head into my shoulder and by the time we were at the top, he had fallen asleep.

With difficulty, I unlocked the door and carried him inside. Once inside I carried him down to my room and laid him on my bed. I covered him up, grabbed a blanket, and turned to make my way to the living room. Before I could leave, however, I felt a hand grip my wrist.

"Can you...stay with me?" Keith asked. I hesitantly said,

"Um...sure. Yeah, I can stay."

I quickly changed into something a little more comfortable and crawled into the bed, laying next to him.

"W-Why is your house so cold?" Keith asked in a whisper. He was shivering, despite being under a heavy blanket.

"Because I can't afford heating," I whispered back. I felt him scoot closer, leaning his head against my arm.

"Night Lance." He said. I felt my face burn up so much that if I had raw bacon on my face you'd hear it sizzle.

"Goodnight Keith," I said. Then I closed my eyes and drifted off.


The next morning I woke up with Keith clutching to me. He looked cute when he was asleep. He wasn't scowling or glaring like he usually was. His face was peaceful. Like nothing wrong had ever happened to him.

I managed to untangle myself from his grasp and get up. Today was Sunday and I had things I needed to do.

I dressed in all black formal clothes that my grandma had gotten me only last year for my sister's funeral. Something tells me she knew I'd wear it for her funeral too.

"Abuela, I'm only going to wear it once, why bother getting a size bigger?" I asked my Abeula as she handed me the outfit we had chosen in a size bigger.

"Because Nieto, you never know when you may grow again. It fits you perfectly one day then the next, auge! It doesn't fit. You are a growing boy Nieto, you need to know how to buy the right clothes." Abeula said as she pushed me to the cash register.

In Just A Week // Trans Klance FicWhere stories live. Discover now