The House

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Several Months Later
Lance's Pov

"Did Keith text you yet?" Shiro asked.

"Yeah, they're on their way," I said.

"Is everything ready?" Shiro asked.

"According to Pidge, everything is good. Do you have the cake?" I asked.

"Yeah. Matt took it inside." Shiro nodded, "How long until they get here?"

"Like five minutes," I said.

"Good. You wait here for them." Shiro said, "We'll be on the porch waiting for you guys."

"Got it."

After Shiro ran back up the driveway to the house I waited by the mailbox. Keith, his lawyer, a realtor, and a bank representative pulled up to the start of the driveway. Keith was on the passenger side of his lawyer's car. The other two in a car behind them. Keith got out of the car.

"What are you doing here? I thought you had work today." Keith said.

I walked up to him, giving him a hug.

"I wanted to be with you today," I said.

"Well, it's not going to be that great. The House isn't finished, it's just going to be me signing papers over to the bank." Keith said sadly. I put a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm always here for you. You know that right? Things will be ok." I said.

"Well, I'm just hoping that Mae will still let me stay there until I can get enough money to get an apartment," Keith said.

"You can stay with me if you want." I offered. Keith smiled.

"But there's only one room." He said.

"We can share." I said, "I don't bite. Unless you want me too."

Keith rolled his eyes.

"Come on. Let's just get this over with. I don't want to be here longer than I have to." Keith said. I got into the car with him and we drove down the road.

I had never met Keith's Lawyer before but Keith had told me about her before.

She seemed very professional, wearing a business suit. I mean, she just seemed like your average Lawyer.

"You must be Lance. I'm Keith's Lawyer, Joan." The woman said as I got in the car.

"Nice to meet you," I said.

"So Keith, you said you have been trying to fix the house," Joan asked.

"Yeah. But we didn't have enough time. The plumbing still doesn't work and we haven't even finished the kitchen or the back half of the house. Unless they believe that I've been living in a tent then I don't think they'll let me keep it." Keith said.

"Have you actually been living in a tent?" Joan asked.

"Yeah. But only for a week. Lance and I wanted to be able to work on the house. The drive is taking up time we could be using to fixing the house. Lance has some family who lives nearby who helps us. Usually Shiro, Matt, Hunk, Allura, Coran and Pidge also come out too." Keith said.

In Just A Week // Trans Klance FicWhere stories live. Discover now