Blast From The Past

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Keith, it's Jason...we need to talk

Why now!? Why couldn't he have texted me, I don't know, NEVER.

Me: No.

Jason: Please. It's important. I wanted to apologize

Me: No.

Jason: I was young and stupid and confused. I swear. Just give me a second chance.

Me: No.

Jason: Please Keith. Everyone makes mistakes. At least let me explain in person. You can ignore me and hate me after but just hear me out this once. For old times sakes. I promise I won't bug you after if you want.

Me: Where?

Jason: What?

Me: Where do you want to meet?

Jason: Wait, you're actually going to meet me?

Me: Only so you'll shut up.

Jason: Can we meet at the old coffee shop near the orphanage?

Me: Sure, what time?

Jason: 7:30 pm?

Me: Make it 8.

Jason: See you then

After texting Jason I imminently called Lance back.

"Hey, what happened?"

"It's a long story. I need you to come with me to meet someone from my past. I don't want to go alone."

"Ok, when do we leave?"

"I'm leaving the house now. We're taking your car."

"Drive safe. I'll see you when you get here."

I hung up and grabbed the keys to my bike.


"So...who are we meeting?" Lance asked.

We had been driving for about twenty minutes of silence. Since Lance didn't know the way I was driving.

"He was an old friend of mine that I knew from my two families ago." I started, "We also dated for about two weeks."

"Anything else I should know?" He asked.

"He was the first person I openly told I was trans didn't go too well," I said.

"Then why are you meeting with him?" He asked.

"Because he said he wanted to apologize and that if I met with him he wouldn't bother me again," I said.

"Why didn't you just block him?" Lance asked.

"I don't know. I guess I just needed closure or something." I said.

"I understand." Lance said, "So, what should I expect when I see him? Is he big? Can I take him?"

I smiled slightly.

In Just A Week // Trans Klance FicWhere stories live. Discover now