Prologue (Edited)

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Walking through the door into a huge room as music plays, people dance and the sound of laughter fills the room. There must be over 300 people here, most have a drink in hand as they dance around. The pretty girls wear slutty clothes as they grind their ass against the guys hips. I don't even think that is dance, just girls not respecting themselves as woman and happy to be a guys sex toy.

I walk through the massive crowd looking for at least one person I know. I was invited to this party awhile ago, I was told it would give me a chance to get to meet some of the big names in music as well as in the movies business. I walk through the crowd, bumping into someone, I turn around without a second thought to say sorry for my clumsiness.

"I'm sor-," I say but quickly being interrupted by the familiar face of my sister.

"Demi! I didn't know you were going to be here tonight," my sister Dallas says with a smile as she hangs off the arm of her boyfriend Rob.

"Hey Demi,'' Rob says awkwardly.

"Yeah, I was invited and my manager said there would be big names,'' I say with a smile as I pull my big sister into a hug.

"Yeah, that actor something Kelly is here. He is going to be directing a movie so maybe you should talk to him. I also saw Miley here earlier, might want to find her and say 'Hey'. Anyway we are going to go dance, see you around little sis,'' she says with a huge smile as they disappear into the huge crowd, making it impossible for me to see them any longer.

I walk around, I finally find the familiar face of Nick Jonas, he smiles as I hug he pulls me in to a bone crushing hug. I squirm, trying to get out of his hug before I pass out from lack of oxygen.

''Can't.. Breathe..,'' I squeak as I try to take in as much oxygen as possible.

"Sorry Dem!'' Nick chuckles.

"It's okay. It isn't like I need oxygen to live or anything!" I say dramatically, causing Nick just laugh at me rolling his eyes.

"Come on Dem, let's dance!" he say with his handsome smile.

I let Nick lead me into the middle of the dance floor, just looking around I can only see slutty girls grinding their ass against guys crutch. If Nick even thinks that I would ever do that then he is fucking mistaken! I'm not a slut! I have respect for myself and respect for my body. I don't need a guy to want to have sex with me to know that I am beautiful, attractive and wanted.

Out the corner of my eye I catch the glimpse of someone..

A girl..

Her brunette hair flows down past her shoulders, it cascades down shielding her face from my sight. Her thin arms hold her knees to her chest, her thin fingers fiddle with a charm from the beautiful gold charm bracelet that she wears around her wrist that looks like it could slip off at any moment.

She is sitting against the cold brick wall, her lean body in tense from head to toe. All I can see is a girl who has been and still is broken..

Taking a deep breath, I unscrew the cap on the bottle of water I hold in my hand. I take a couple mouthfuls, welcoming the cold it brings to my dry throat. I screw the cap back onto the water bottle, extending my hand out with the bottle in it to the beautiful girl who is still refusing to look up.

"Want some?" I ask her with a little smile, I honestly don't expect her to take any but I offer just to try to start a conversation.

She reaches out taking the bottle from my hand, her voice coming out weak as she finally answers my question,"Yes, thank you.."

She looks up letting her brown hair fall away from her face, revealing the beautiful girl with heavy make up covering her face but that's not what catches me thinking just how beautiful this young girl is front of me. It's her eyes. They are so gorgeous, I have never been so lost in anyones eyes but hers..

Her blue eyes don't leave mine, she unscrews the cap of the bottle of water. Placing it to her lips, letting the water pass past her lips, until there is no more water left. She smiles weakly, she seems to look at me as if she was trying to find something but I don't know what.

Breaking the silence that has fallen between us, I take a breath not looking away from her eyes for one second as I think about how beautiful she would look without make up.

"Anyway.. I'm Demi,'' I say smiling weakly as I watch her, I extend my hand for her to shake.

She looks at me letting a small nervous smile slip onto her lips, she takes my hand hesitantly, finally I she speaks loud enough for me to hear,"I'm Ryder.."


This is a Demi Lovato fanfiction and a girlxgirl story

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