Chapter 9

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(Demi Fanfic)

Chapter 9:


I sit in the lounge room with Laylah, Sammi, Jessikah, Jacinta, Felix, Darcy, Bailey and my two littlest sister on my dad's side of kids, Spencer and Emi. I lay my head in Sammi's lap letting her stroke my hair, she has been the biggest comfort for me today.

"I'm going to get us something to drink, Sammi can you come help?" Jessikah asks in a pleading voice, Sammi gives in which means I have to get up.

"Okay," Sammi says smiling at Jessikah as she gets up.

They walk off smiling as they talk.

"Jacintaaaaa!"I whine giving her the best puppy dog eyes, pouting.

She sighs,"come on."

I ran over sitting on her lap, my head burying in the crook of her neck. My legs laying on the empty spot Jessikah was sitting in.

Walking in she lift my feet, letting herself sit down and handing me a can of soda.

"Here, drink it!" She says with a smile, turning her attention back to the tv.

I look at the screen to find them all watch Camp Rock. Of course they have to watch a movie starring my friend who hates me now.

"You don't like the movie?" Jacinta whispers in my ear causing me to jump.

She giggles, I just hold my heart begging it to start up again and not to kill me!

"Don't do that!" I giggle at her.

"Sorry..," she says with the cheekiest smile.

"I know the girl who stars in movie and at the moment she isn't happy with me," I say, snuggling into her neck letting her hair shield my face from everyone else's view.

She just rubs my back, I snuggle in putting my freezing nose on the warm skin of her neck"ARGH! COLD!"

I laugh so hard at her girly scream, everyone joins in. She does the one thing to get back at me. She tickles me sides.

Giggles fly out my mouth without me willingly let them.

"Stop!" I say between giggles but all I know is someone is videoing me giggling like a crazy clown in which I am not!

"Say sorry!" She yells at me, laughing nearly as much as I'm giggling.

"NEVER!" I scream, giggles erupting once again from my throat.

She gets Jessikah to hold my legs down, whilst she tickles my sides and under arms and Sammi tickles my feet. This is torture I tell you!

"I'M SORRY!" I scream at the top of my lungs, finally they let me go.

Picking me up off the floor Jacinta sits back down, letting me snuggle my head into her neck. She smiles, this is how it use to be when I was just a kid. She use to make sure to protect me but also make sure I was never missing out on feeling loved by her since our dad never bothered to show it.

"I love you Cinta..," I whisper in her ear, using the nickname from when I was only little, we were the only ones who were allow to call her it, just me and Darcy.

"I love you too Ry..," she says kissing my cheek.

We sit here, it feels like it has been forever since I have seen my big sister. Jacinta is my only big sister, I have 2 older brothers not including Darcy, but including Darcy since he was born first, then I have 3 older brothers.

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