Chapter 28

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(Demi Fanfic)

Chapter 28:


It's been a month. I pulled Astrid out of the school after getting beaten up and suspended for getting beaten up.

My band Piece by Piece has been signed by Fearless Records. Lexi is so fucking proud of us! Astrid has been doing amazingly. Today we are going in to record the last couple of tracks for our first album.

Demi hasn't talked to me in the last. couple days but I guess she got busy and forgot about Bailey and I.

"Come on Ry!" Lexi whines as I get in her car with Astrid in the back.

"I'm getting in now!" I say getting in the passengers seat.

She drives away, we are meeting Bane and Jax at the place. We have been recording a LOT for this album. We start on music videos as soon as we finish the recording the album. Our manager Rail looks exactly like us, she dress the same but she has the best job of being our manager. She is an amazing 23 years old with pink hair and brown eyes. She is slim but not skinny, she is about 5 foot 4 and very attractive but deadly straight.

We pull up at the studio, Bane and Jax get out of their car. I open my door stepping out, walking over to where the five of us stand together as friends and a band.

"Hey guys!" Bane says walking over hugging me and spinning me around like the big kid he really is.

We all walk inside the studio heading straight to the recording booth where everything is set up.

The music starts to play as I hold the head phones to my ears.

"She walks through those doors.
Head down, eyes on the floor.
She gets pushed around,
Knocked to the ground.
Tears run down her cheeks.
The voices scream in her head..

Just end it all! Just end it all!
Your nothing! They yell!
Just end it all! Just end it all!
Your worthless! They yell!
Just end it all!
Just end it all and you'll be alright..," I sing as tears fall down my cheeks, I stop singing to wipe them away.

Lexi walks up wrapping her arms around me. She picks me up holding me as I rest my face against her shoulder just letting the tears fall freely.

"Shh baby," she say rocking me back and forth trying to sooth me.

"Baby, you need to do this not just for you but for Darcy...,"she says kissing my forehead before setting me on my feet.

I nod.

I wipe the tears from eyes. I take a couple mouthfuls of water and join the rest of the band in the recording booth.

The music starts and I finish recording our song. The tears fall but I push through for my twin brother. I'm doing this for Darcy!

We walk out getting into the car, I sit in the passenger seat of Lexi's car with Astrid in the back. We only just got finished recording our first album. I plug my iPod into the car stereo letting 'Lonely Girl' by Tonight Alive boom through the car loudly.

I quickly sing along loudly but in tune,"Lonely girl you lost the only thing you loved
Nothing that you have is ever good enough
And I wont be the one to keep you safe
And I wont be the one who stays the same

You got a lot of nerve and
Looks like the tables turning
And now you're wishing me well like you miss me
You got a dirty tongue and
Looks like the damage done is forever
And it's a long time to miss me
Woah oh
And it's a long time to miss me
Woah oh

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