Chapter 43

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(Demi Fanfic)

Chapter 43:


My feet swiftly glide over the pale white covered floor matching the walls and ceiling. My eyes catching every detail in the room as I pace, my thoughts running wild as Sammi lays in the hospital bed painlessly just waiting.

As soon as she could she got an epidural she did, sending her into a pain free high like state. The state I remember her being in when she gave birth to my beautiful nephew Xander.

"Stop pacing. Your going to make me vomit!" She snaps.

I sigh, taking the seat next to her bed. The horrible plastic hospital chair, hours of sitting making your back ache and your eyes want to close just for once but the discomfort of the hard plastic poking into your back.

I pout at her, she just roll her eyes and moves over leaving space for another person. She motions for me to climb in next to her, avoiding all the cords as I do as I'm asked.

"I love you Ry..," Sammi coos, kissing my forehead as we snuggle together cutely.

I rub her back softly, a nurse sits just smiling as she watches us cuddle. I pass her my phone, silently asking her to take a photo she happily accepts to do.

"Thank you," I smile at her.

She sits down watching the screen showing the contractions Sammi's body experiences. The epidural the only reason she lays so comfortably in my arms instead of screaming out in pure agony and her body shaking from excruciating pain.

"Ry, please don't leave me here to do this alone," Sammi pleads, tears forming in her eyes as she clings to me little a toddler to their mother's legs in fear.

I run my hand through her black hair, looking into her beautiful eyes as I lean in kissing her forehead. I just wonder how I could leave her ever to do this alone? I couldn't because no matter what she will always be my little sister and the mother of my biological nephew and the one I call mine just waiting to meet.

"I'll be here for you for forever.."

I hold her hand in mine, rubbing the back on her hand with my thumb. She takes deep breaths, the nurse sits down watching and waiting for the doctor to arrive to deliver my baby nephew.

"We are just waiting on the doctor. This baby is ready to come, let's just hope that this baby will wait," the nurse says smiling nervously.

Sammi just nods, her face crumpling up as the pressure from his head causing her so much discomfort. His little body sliding down easily, him being three weeks early not helping one single bit.

The door swings open, slamming shut with a female doctor looking no older then 25 years old. Her smile fading as she reads the chart, she sits down as I watch her demand Sammi to push his little body through the normally small hole called her vagina.

"Push!" She screams at Sammi startling me.

She grunts, squeezing my hand tightly, pushing his little body through the tiny hole in her body. I kiss her forehead, putting all my strength into her knowing the pure pain of child birth. The doctors hands just waiting to catch his little body, the little body we both just want to meet so badly.

"He's coming. One more push Samantha!" She anxiously demands.

She bares down, pushing his body out from within her. His loud cries being hear nearly immediately, the nurse handing me the scissors with a warm smile on her lips. My shaking legs guiding my feet over the floor to when the doctor stands holding this tiny little baby. I cut the cord between the clamps as I'm instructed.

I take photos of him as they clean him, weight him and check everything. The smile never leaving my lips as I watch proudly as they look after my beautiful little nephew.

"Would you like to hold him?" A nurse asks me.

"Y-Yes," I stutter in pure shock.

I take him in my arms, staring down at his beautiful face. His eyes closed shut, his little lips pouting already as no sound comes from within his little body just pure peaceful silence. I don't look up even at the brightness of the flash of photos being taken.

I slowly move over to Sammi's side, her forehead holding beads of sweat but a tired smile on her lips.

"I want you to name him..," she says blinking heavily, trying not to fall into sleep.

"Kingston James Hudson."

A/N: hey guys this is chapter 43

I'm so sorry that this chapter isn't long but it is short because of the importance of the birth of Sammi's baby boy.

My updates are all over the place and I'm sorry for that but I do have a life outside of wattpad and I do like to read stories on here too!

I have a new story coming out called 'Really Don't Care'. I have finally decided on it's release date being October 12th which gives me enough time to type up the last few chapters to come of my fellow Demi Lovato Fanfiction 'For The Love Of A Daughter'.


1. Does blood make you family or the bond?

2. Do you think Ryder is getting clucky?

3. What do you think will happen in the next chapter?

4. What do you think of the baby's name?

25+ votes for the next chapter!

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Thanks guys

Tammy <3 x

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