Chapter 15

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(Demi Fanfic)

Chapter 15:


We got the house! Sammi and I have been moving in over the last two days, we have the kitchen, lounge room, the boys room and the back yard all set up. Just got the bathrooms, the two free bedrooms, our bedrooms, the music room, dinning room and the laundry.

The boys room is painted a mid blue, it has all the chapters from Winnie the Pooh and Mickey Mouse and friends as well as Paul Frank.

Darcy Junior love Mickey Mouse and friends, where Bailey loves Winnie the Pooh but both love Paul Frank. They are so cute together, they are only 8 months apart. Junior acts as if Bailey is his little brother, I know Junior will be an amazing big brother to his unborn sibling.

"Ryder, we are going to be late!" Sammi yells from down stairs, she ready has the two boys strapped in the back of the car all she is waiting for is for me to get my ass outside and in the car.

I grab my phone from off my mattress on the floor of my bedroom. The whole room is covered in boxes because I haven't unpacked them yet.

Running downstairs I walk out the front door, locking it behind myself. I walk around the side of my black commodore, my father paid to get it over here from Australia when I moved over here. I get in, strapping my seat belt on I drive out our driveway.

"Are you excited?" I ask Sammi, I was never sure if she was ever excited to be having her second.

"Not really.. I just don't feel this was the right time and I was so happy when I found out I was having Junior but this baby isn't coming at the right time but I will love it no matter what," she says putting her hands over her belly.

"Are you excited?" She asks me catching me off guard.

"I'm really excited!" I say with a big smile.

"I can feel the baby moving but you won't be able to for awhile," she says half smiling.

Today we are going to Sammi's 16 week ultra sound scan. She is having a 3-D scan today. She asked me to be there for her, she doesn't have anyone else and no one else will love this baby unconditionally. But I will.

I park in the car park, I walk around to her side of the car. I unbuckle Junior, putting him on the ground telling him to hold his mummy's hand. I walk back around, unbuckling Bailey, I swing him onto my hip. I shut the door, locking my car.

Sammi let's the receptionist know she is here. I sit with Bailey on my lap, Junior on the set in between Sammi and myself.

My phone starts to ring in my pocket, I quickly grab it out. The caller ID reads 'Demi Lovato'.

"Hey Dem," I say with a smile slipping onto my lips.

"Hey Ry," she says quickly, I can tell she is smiling.

"You called?" I ask playfully.

"Yeah I want to take you out tonight. I will pick you up at 5:30pm," she says in her little smug voice.

"You don't know where I live Demi," I say with a 'duh' tone.

"Ry, I've been there before!" She says back to me in a 'duh' tone.

"I moved out..," I say dragging it out, I knew she was going to think I'm keeping things from her.

"When did that happen?" She asks, her playful mood gone.

The door opens, out walks a nurse with a clip board in hand.

"Samantha Kelly," she yells out, Sammi get up helping Junior off the chair.

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