Chapter 4

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(Demi Fanfic)

Chapter 4:


I sit in my room, my dad made me go to this party last night. I don't get why but I took Laylah with me, we were having so much fun until I saw Demi. I left instantly dragging Laylah along with me. I just couldn't get over how much pain she had put me through by taking me to Selena's that night. I have been ignoring her calls all week, Laylah let me come home tonight since she has to work this week.

I sit on my bed with a smile as I watch Bailey, he is watching the tv cooing at it. He is so beautiful!

My phone starts to ring, I pick it up looking at the caller ID. It's Demi!

"Hi..," I say with no emotion filling my voice.

"You are avoiding me..," she says trailing off.

"And..?" I ask with no emotion at all.

"Okay. Ryder, I don't want us to be avoid each other because that isn't okay," Demi says with pain in her voice.

"Demi. Your friend had a go at me! I kissed you! There is going to avoiding!" I half yell at her not meaning to.

Bailey starts to cry, I hang up quickly. I pick him up, I grab his dummy causing his crying to stop.

I rock him until his eyes start to close, I carefully lay him in his cot. I tuck him in, it is now 10pm, I'm tired but Ive been thinking so much. This morning was when I talked to Demi. But she has rang twice and only twice. I was kind of sad but I knew I needed to clear things up.

I grab my phone, clicking the call button it starts to ring her.

"Hello..? She asks with sleepiness coming out in her voice as she yawns loudly.

"I'm sorry I woke you. I will just go," I say feeling terrible for waking her up.

"NO!" She yells through the phone, I jump.

"I mean, what's up?" She says trying to cover her ass.

"I've been ignoring you but obviously I'm actually thinking about it know. I want us to be friends..," I say in a quiet voice.

"Friends again then?" She asks with hope in her voice just like a little kid.

"Yeah.. Anyway you should probably get back to sleep," I say smiling .

"First, how are you?"

"I'm fine, how are you?" I ask hoping she won't see through my voice.

"I'm actually feeling better. I hate being avoided," she says with a little laugh.

"Oh my gosh! You have like the cutest little laugh Demi!" I exclaim, causing her to giggle even more.

"There it does again!" I tease quickly, causing more laughter.

"I should go you were sleeping and I'm starting to fall asleep just talking to you," I say with a big smile, yawning as if on que.

"Okay, bye Ryder," she says yawning loudly.

"Night Demi," I say with a sad smile as I hang up on her.

I plug my phone onto charge before falling asleep.

I wake to my phone ringing loudly, I grab it looking at the caller ID to see it is Laylah.

"Hey beautiful. Can you do me a favour? Please?" She says in her cute little voice she could always get me to do whatever she wants.

"What is the favour?" I ask her trying not to get sucked in.

"Baby sit Felix for the day because I have to work today. So can you Ry?" She asks.

Neon Lights (Demi Lovato Fanfic) (girlxgirl) (COMPLETED) {1}Where stories live. Discover now