Chapter 11

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(Demi Fanfic)

Chapter 11:


I sit at the table surround by Ryder's sibling, besides her twin brother. Her dad sits with his new girlfriend, Ryder just doesn't bother to react, but I know she doesn't want her here.

I have Bailey sitting on my lap, he is the most adorable baby ever! He looks exactly like Ryder, just his hair is lighter and he is a male. She let me hold him now whilst she makes a speech.

"Hey guys, it's been a long time since I have had all you guys, as in dad's kids in one room. But.. We are missing Darcy.. Today will never be just a happy day again, it will always be haunted by the bad memory. So.. We are going to have a minutes silence for Darcy since he couldn't be here tonight..," she says with tears threatening to split out from her eyes.

Everyone closes their eyes, I close my eyes tight.

Today is Dallas's 26th birthday, she is going to kill me for missing her birthday dinner that we has every year on our birthdays. I had lunch with her but she still won't be okay with me missing her birthday dinner. But this here, is more important right now, I knew this is the only way I will be able to get close to her.

"Silly, you can open your eyes!" Ryder giggles in my ear causing me to jump.

"Oh my gosh! Don't do that!" I exclaim, feeling for my heart to make sure it is beating still.

"You are a drama queen, Lovato!" She says with the biggest smirk.

I just roll my eyes at her. Looking around a lot of eyes were on me, Jacinta's eyes just look between Ryder and I with a little smile forming on her lips.

We walk out to the cars, I carefully hand an asleep Bailey to Ryder. Pulling her into a big hug, she is about 5 foot 6, whilst I'm only 5 foot 3 so a bit of height difference. I hold her tight, kissing her cheek, then her forehead.

"Goodnight Ryder Jasmine Darcy Kelly..," I say with a smile smile forming on my lips.

"Goodnight Demetria Devonne Lovato..," she smiles back, I can't help but smile back at the beautiful girl in front of me.

I walk away to my car, jumping starting the car in just an instant. I drive away, wondering if this is real or just a dream.

I walk into my house to find Dallas sitting on my couch, her eyes flaring with anger.

"WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU COME TO MY BIRTHDAY DINNER?" She yells with all the anger that fills her body.

"I got invited to a birthday dinner.. Do you remember Kelly, as in Victor Kelly?" I ask with my thoughts going wild in my head.

Confusion fills her face as she answers,"yeah I do.. Why?"

"How many kids does he have again?" I ask her curious as to how many she knows he has, since I thought there was only 4 or 5 kids he has.

"Like.. 5 kids I think," she says thinking hard as she answers with curiosity now building in her head.

"Do you remember that girl from the part that night? The one you gave me a hard time about, do you remember her?" I ask her so I have a chance of explaining.

"Yeah the girl you like..," she says with a little smirk.

"Her name is Ryder.. As in Ryder Kelly. His daughter, he has 10 kids and I never knew that!" I say with disbelief in my head.

"What?" Dallas asks confused.

"I went to her 18th birthday tonight.. Her name is Ryder Kelly..," I say to her, she looks at me with anger filling her eyes once again.

Neon Lights (Demi Lovato Fanfic) (girlxgirl) (COMPLETED) {1}Where stories live. Discover now