Chapter 22

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(Demi Fanfic)

Chapter 22:


I smile as I hold Demi's hand with our fingers entwined, her tight grip on my hand making me feel beyond safe.

Demi has been here everyday since I flew here just over nearly two weeks ago, but Jaimee-Alexa only woke up 4 days ago. I've spent the last two days getting to know the little girl I gave away at a week old. She is this bright little girl who reminds me a lot of my little sister Skylnn, my brother Darcy, Bailey and myself rolled in one.

"Can we talk Ry?" She asks looking down at our hands entwined together.

"Okay. What do you want to talk about?" I ask her concerned it was going to be really bad.

"You told the doctor before that your brother twin brother had passed away.. He had cancer..?" She asks looking at me with confusion but want to understand.

"Not now.. I want to take you somewhere!" I say without another thought I let to of her hand running up to my mum taking Bailey from her.

Walking back to Demi, I take her hand entwining our fingers. We walk out to the car Demi rented so she could drive when needed. I strap Bailey into the car seat, closing the door behind me and getting into the drivers seat starting the car up and driving away from the hospital.

Demi unbuckles Bailey from his car seat to my surprise. She has so much trouble getting the buckles undone it is normally pretty funny to watch. She swings him into her hip, locking the car behind us.

I take her hand entwining our fingers as I lead her through the gates of the cemetery..

I finally pull her along a row of grave stones, until we reach a black one with gold writing upon it and a picture of a 15 year old boy with dirty blonde hair, blue eyes just like mine and a killer smile. The grave stone reads:

Darcy James Ryder Kelly
In loving memory of twin Ryder Kelly
Parents Monique Hastings and Victor Kelly
Siblings Jacinta, Jaxon, Dylin, Ryder, Drake, Daxter, Jessikah, Spencer, Skye, Braxton, Emi and Skylnn.
True love & long term girlfriend Samantha Henderson
Father to Darcy James Ryder Alexander Kelly Jnr.
You will forever be missed, we love you to the moon and back and to infinity and beyond.

That's my brother Darcy.. He is my world, he is my other part and he is the one person in my life I wanted to know wouldn't leave me! He is my twin! He was my twin..

"Ry..?" Demi asks looking into my eyes as tears threaten to fall without permission.

"Demetria meet my twin brother Darcy..," I say gesturing towards the headstone.

"Oh my gosh..," Demi says, she is shocked, I know she never thought I would bring her here but this is where he is and he needs to be remembered.

"My brother Darcy was born before me. We are twins. Ever since we were born you couldn't separate us, we were so close like twins should be. When we where 9 years old, he got really sick and he was diagnosed with Acute Myelogenous Leukaemia better known as AML.. He was in hospital most of his life until at 12 years old he met Sammi and they started dating when he was 13 years old. He use to be in a band with me and that's where we met Lexi. Darcy use to get bullied a lot because he had cancer and just because people were jealous of his talent and looks. 8 days before our 16th birthday Darcy took his own life..," I say letting the tears run down my cheeks as I feel myself in an embrace by the only person in this world who makes me feel like it will be okay.

" it's okay to cry," she says as I push my face into the crook of her neck.

"Sammi was pregnant with Junior when he took his life.. She found out a couple days after. For my 16th birthday I got a tattoo you haven't seen it but I try to keep it covered. I loved him to bits! He was going to die from cancer but instead he took his own life..," I sob into her neck, refusing to look up at her whilst I fall apart.

I feel Bailey's small hands reach up holding my neck as he hugs me. He was cuddles into me as the three of just sit on the ground cuddling like a little family..


We walk through the cemetery, hands entwined as I hold Bailey tight against my hip. He holds onto me, playing with my newly dyed brown hair, he loves it but doesn't pull it to hurt me like most babies do. I guess he nearly isn't a baby he is one next month.

We finally walk down a small isle of headstones, until we stop in front of this black headstone with gold writing on it and a photo of a boy who looks to be about 14 years old. He has dirty blonde hair, the same beautiful blue eyes as Ryder and this killer smile any girl would die for. He looks nearly exactly like Ryder but Bailey and Junior look nearly identical to the young boy in the photo. I look down reading the writing:

Darcy James Ryder Kelly
In loving memory of twin Ryder Kelly
Parents Monique Hastings and Victor Kelly
Siblings Jacinta, Jaxon, Dylin, Ryder, Drake, Daxter, Jessikah, Spencer, Skye, Braxton, Emi and Skylnn.
True love & long term girlfriend Samantha Henderson
Father to Darcy James Ryder Alexander Kelly Jnr.
You will forever be missed, we love you to the moon and back and to infinity and beyond.

That's when I realise the headstone in front of my eyes is that of her twin brother. The reason why Jacinta was so protective not only of Ryder but Darcy. She was finally letting me in, I knew it would be a harder task to find out why I never knew about her daughter let alone how she came to be.

I look over to my beautiful girlfriend with tears threatening to fall despite how strong she is trying to be.

"Ry..?" I asks looking deep into her beautiful blue eyes as tears brim her eyes, trying not to fall but she can't control them no matter how strong she is.

"Demetria meet my twin brother Darcy..," she says gesturing between me and the headstone.

"Oh my gosh..," Is all I can say, as my heart breaks at the sight of the young boy in the photo, I never thought I would ever get her to be so open with me let alone bring me here.

"My brother Darcy was born before me. We are twins. Ever since we were born you couldn't separate us, we were so close like twins should be. When we where 9 years old, he got really sick and he was diagnosed with Acute Myelogenous Leukaemia better known as AML.. He was in hospital most of his life until at 12 years old he met Sammi and they started dating when he was 13 years old. He use to be in a band with me and that's where we met Lexi. Darcy use to get bullied a lot because he had cancer and just because people were jealous of his talent and looks. 8 days before our 16th birthday Darcy took his own life..," she says as the tears finally cascade down her cheeks.

I pull her into my arms letting her cry into my shoulder. Holding her as we sit on the ground in front of her brothers grave. Bailey is in my lap, looking up at his mom with big eyes.

" it's okay to cry," I coo to her as she pushes her face into the crook of my neck.

"Sammi was pregnant with Junior when he took his life.. She found out a couple days after. For my 16th birthday I got a tattoo you haven't seen it but I try to keep it covered. I loved him to bits! He was going to die from cancer but instead he took his own life..," she sobs in my neck refusing to look up into my eyes as I hold her tight as Bailey reaches his little arms up, wrapping them around her neck.

I sit him on her lap, pulling her onto my lap so she knows I will keep her safe. I won't let her go I will always love her..

Right now I realised we are becoming a family, if I want to be with her then I have to take on Bailey. He is her son and he is the most innocent little boy who needs love when love is not a big part of his life.

"Ry...?" I ask her nerves getting the best of me, nothing could make me feel better right now then hearing her voice.

"Y-yeah..," she chokes out between sobs that escape her lips.

"I love you..."


This is a Demi Lovato fanfiction and a girlxgirl story

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